Amazon MSK がどのように機能するかについては、What is Amazon MSK?セクションをご参照ください。 2 開始方法 入門ガイドでは、Amazon MSK クラスターのセットアップ、ライブラリとツールのダウンロード、クラスターの作成、データの生成と使用 の方法がチュートリアルで示されています。
我们使用自定义设置进行配置,创建并关联 IAM 角色,选择 Amazon MSK 所在的 VPC 和子网,创建并关联安全组(我的叫 redshiftgroup,设置入站规则为:允许名为 redshiftgroup 的安全组访问端口 5439,出站规则默认不变),点击“保存设置”。 然后,我们打开 MSK 集群的安全组(我的叫 mskgroup),...
Similarly, before continuing, I suggest familiarizing yourself with the AWS documentation for Amazon MSK Serverless, especiallyMSK Serverless. Create a new MSK Serverless Cluster by following the AWS documentation,Getting started using MSK Serverless clusters. The creation ...
Basically,I just follow the tutorial I tested the setup with a standard tools to make sure the cluster is accessible from the instance and IAM role allows all operations with the cluster. ...
Add the following code to a file namedindex.jsin thenodegetstartedfolder. // This is used for getting user input.import{createInterface }from"node:readline/promises";import{S3Client, PutObjectCommand, CreateBucketCommand, DeleteObjectCommand, DeleteBucketCommand, paginateListObjectsV2, GetObjectCommand,...
Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK) Amazon MemoryDB Amazon MQ Amazon Neptune Amazon OpenSearch Service Amazon Pinpoint Amazon Polly Amazon QuickSight Amazon RDS Amazon Redshift Amazon Rekognition Amazon Route 53 Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC) Amazon S3 Amazon S3 Glacier Amazon ...
Using AWS Glue Schema Registry with Amazon MSK— To set-up Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka see Getting started with Amazon MSK. Maven Dependency <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>schema-registry-serde</artifactId> <version>1.1.23</version> </dependency...
aws msk (kafka) 官网: 其它有关文档: aws 使用教程文档:
AWS In this section, you will learn how to deploy MigratoryData on AWS. Deploy with Terraform Deploy on EKS Deploy on EKS, with MSK support
Dashboard for Basic AWS MSK Cluster metrics visualisation Dashboard for AWS MSK (Kafka Cluster) CloudWatch Default Level monitoring data visualization. Based on, but fixed and improved ...