作为一个低代码(Low-Code)构建平台,AWS PaaS充分继承了上一代AWS BPM产品在建模与执行领域的十余年技术积累,优雅的抽取和设计了构建业务应用的元数据结构和建模工具,并赋予了全新的执行引擎。主要服务包括:业务建模、调度服务和连接服务。 业务建模 为应用提供以下建模工具和引擎服务: ...
在AWS控制台中选择EC2服务,点击右侧菜单中“实例→实例”,点击“创建新实例”后,按照下面的推荐值完成配置: 镜像:在【亚马逊云科技Marketplace】中搜索“GrapeCity Huozige Lowcode Development Platform”,选择官方提供的AMI镜像 实例类型:根据应用复杂度、并发用户数和预算选择,示例中使用的是t3.meduim,推荐用于简单...
In this post, we’ll describe how Mendix has enabled public sector customers to meet the rapid pace of innovation, and removed the barriers that come with traditional deployment models by using their low-code application development platform. Mendix is aSiemensbusiness and ...
全球均已走入資料驅動創新的時代,各種資料應用應運而生,從 ESG、客戶資料平台 CDP 到 GenAI ... 等等的創新,都需要透過資料庫與大數據分析應用,來達成企業創新所需的基礎建設。 使用 AWS 全受管專用資料庫,除了現代化您的資料基礎設施,同時也能夠成就您的創新基礎,
5月31日,Low Code低码时代发布《中国低代码/零代码行业研究报告》。凭借强大的低代码能力+智能BPM产品优势,面向中大型组织的「AWS PaaS」和面向成长型组织的「易鲸云」双双实力上榜推荐品牌。通过对产品、市场、团队建设、服务经验等综合能...
Several python modules are included in the AWS RoboMaker simapp, but if you want to add more, locate the cell labeled Run these commands if you wish to modify the Amazon SageMaker and AWS Robomaker code and add in additional!docker cpcommands to copy the modules you want into the container...
Google Cloud Platform provides BigQuery and Google Kubernetes Engine. GPC’s expertise in big data analytics and container management distinguishes it from similar services offered by AWS and Azure. Which cloud platform offers extensive object storage solutions, and how do they compare among the top ...
Code of conduct MIT license Security The Serverless Framework– Makes it easy to use AWS Lambda and other managed cloud services to build applications that auto-scale, cost nothing when idle, and overall result in radically low maintenance. ...
Flowise is an open-source low-code/node tool for developers to build customized LLM orchestration workflows and AI agents. The low-code approach helps developers to cut down on the time and effort required to build LLM applications by delivering quick iterations to from testing to production. In...
Google Cloud Platform support GCS: Manage folders, upload files, host static websites with caching, and invalidate CDN caches. GCE: Upload files, manage directories, run scripts, and support IP changes. Cloud Functions: Deploy Lambda function code can be uploaded in a few clicks. Zipping would...