在本篇中,我们在之前创建的Auto Scaling group中加入ALB(AWS load balancer),通过tg(Target group)把ALB和Auto Scaling group中EC2连接到一起。 最后完成的架构如下图所示 目录 - 环境(配置) - 实战步骤 1. 修改launch template - 增加User data - 修改默认template版本 2. 修改Auto Scaling group - 创建ALB...
SECURITY_GROUPS=$(aws eks describe-cluster \ --name ${EKS_CLUSTER_NAME} --query "cluster.resourcesVpcConfig.clusterSecurityGroupId") # If your setup uses the security groups in the Launch template of a managed node group, then : SECURITY_GROUPS=$(aws ec2 describe-launch-template-versions \...
apply-security-groups-to-load-balancer --load-balancer-name <value> --security-groups <value> [--cli-input-json <value>] [--generate-cli-skeleton <value>] [--debug] [--endpoint-url <value>] [--no-verify-ssl] [--no-paginate] [--output <value>] [--query <value>] [--profile ...
$ aws elbv2 create-load-balancer --name test-alb --subnets <SUBNET-ID-1> <SUBNET-ID-2> --security-groups <SG-ID> --scheme internet-facing --type application --ip-address-type ipv4 创建IP模式的Target Group和对应的Listener 创建Target Group:将下面 VPC ID ...
Security Groups and NACLs 1) SG:instance level 2) NACL:subnet level (1) (2) 7. Running containers with a load balancer on cluster powered by AWS Fargate Container Get started --> 选择 custom configure ECR 上传 docker image 后,填写:container name, docker image ...
load balance 与 security group Classic or Application Load Balancer应该指定至少一个security group,而Network Load Balancer不使用security group. 6.AWS Cost and Usage Report 与tag 想要在生成的报告中按tag分类,需要在Billing & Cost Management Console中激活Cost allocation tags,分为自定义tag和AWS生成的tag....
One or more security groups A MAC address You can create ENI independently and attach them on the fly (move them) on EC2 instances for failover Bound to a specific availability zone (AZ) EC2 Hibernate Under the hood: the RAM state is written to a file in the root EBS volume which must...
Load balancer types: Application Load Balancer Network mapping → Mappings:选择至少2个可用区 Security groups: 选择的安全组中需要允许8000端口(集群对外提供服务的端口,可修改) Listeners and routing:监听HTTP,8000端口,Default action选择刚创建的目标群组 ...
securityGroup: mySecurityGroup, vpcSubnets: { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC, }, keyName: "KeyPair", minCapacity: 1, maxCapacity: 5, }); 设定Auto Scaling groups 缩放条件 在自动缩放一定要设计条件,通常大家比较会设定的是CPU 例如我们希望CPU 70% 开始缩放就可以设定如下 ...