AWS Cloud9是基于云的集成式开发环境(IDE),您只需使用浏览器即可编写、运行和调试代码。其包括代码编辑器、调试程序和终端。AWS Cloud9 预先打包了常用编程语言(包括 JavaScript、Python、PHP 等)的必备工具。由于 AWS Cloud9 IDE 基于云,因此您可以在办公室、家中或任何其他地方使用联网计算机处理项目。阅读这篇博客...
針對平台,選擇您想要的 Amazon EC2執行個體類型:Amazon Linux 2023、Amazon Linux 2或Ubuntu 22.04LTS。 AWS Cloud9 建立執行個體,然後將環境連接至執行個體。 重要 建議您為您的EC2環境選擇Amazon Linux 2023選項。除了提供安全、穩定且高效能的執行期環境之外,Amazon Linux 2023 還AMI包含 2024 年之前的長期支援。
This tutorial shows you how to connect an AWS Cloud9 SSH development environment to a running Docker container inside of an Amazon Linux instance in Amazon EC2. This enables you to use the AWS Cloud9 IDE to work with code and files inside of a Docker container and to run commands on that...
Weitere Informationen zu AWS Cloud9 und AL2023 finden Sie hier: AWS Cloud9 — Erste Schritte Amazon Linux 2023 setzt als Arbeitgeber auf Gleichberechtigung:Minderheiten/Frauen/Menschen mit Behinderungen/Veteranen/Geschlechtsidentität/sexuelle Orientierung/Alter....
AWS License Manager now offers cross-region, cross-account tracking of commercial Linux subscriptions on AWS. This includes subscriptions purchased as part of EC2 subscription-included AMIs, on the AWS Marketplace, or brought to AWS via Red Hat Cloud Access Program. AWSSDK.LicenseManagerUserSubscript...
Amazon WorkSpaces, a remote desktop-as-a-service platform. Amazon AppStream, a service that lets a developer stream a desktop application stored in the AWS cloud to an end user's web browser. AWS also offers these blockchain services: Amazon Managed Blockchain, a service that helps create an...
EC2 Launch Instance AMI - Amazon Machine Image Amazon Linux 2 Step 5: Add Tags Name: My Instance From Stephane Tutorial Step 6: Configure Security Group Security group name: aws-tutorial-first-ec2 Description: Created from my first EC2 Launch Create a new key pair...
1. Workspaces: VDI solution that helps run windows or Linux (Desktop in cloud) 2. Appstream 2.0: Streaming applications like Citrix IOT 1. IOT: service that includes Thousands of devices sending information’s To and fro 2. iOT Device Management: service that handles devices included ...
Amazon WorkSpaces, a remote desktop-as-a-service platform. Amazon AppStream, a service that lets a developer stream a desktop application stored in the AWS cloud to an end user's web browser. AWS also offers theseblockchainservices:
Docker Desktop, Amazon ECS, and Amazon EKS for containers. Amazon CloudWatch, AWS Systems Manager, AWS CodeCommit, Cloud9, CodePipeline, and Amazon Inspector for tools. Special Feature Special Report: Prepare for Serverless Computing (free PDF) ...