AWS Landing Zone Template v2.4.0(Latest). Contribute to snowsky/cloudformation-aws-landing-zone development by creating an account on GitHub.
git_repository The git repository to use for the account string "" no iam_access_analyzer The IAM access analyzer configuration to apply to the account object({ enable = optional(bool, false) # A flag indicating if IAM access analyzer shou...
Setze die landing zone zurück, um Drift zu beheben Machen Sie Ihre landing zone außer Betrieb Sehen Sie sich den Status Ihrer Landezonenoperationen an Beispiele: Richten Sie eine AWS Control Tower Tower-Landezone nur mit APIs ein Starte eine landing zone mit AWS CloudFormation Voraussetzung...
于此同时,一些海外登录区Landing Zone的关键服务也尚未就绪,例如Organization下的资源控制策略(SCP,Service Control Policies),集中管理用户的账号访问AWS Single Sign-On等。作为这一系列的第一篇,本文讲向大家介绍如何利用AWS中国区现有的资源,来构建中国区“Control Tower”,实现...
L 35 AWS 规范性指导 登录区 使用 MLOps 清单评估您的机器学习项目 landing zone 是一个架构精良的多账户 AWS 环境,具有可扩展性和安全性.这是一个起点,您的 组织可以从这里放心地在安全和基础设施环境中快速启动和部署工作负载和应用程序.有关登录区 的更多信息,请参阅设置安全且可扩展的多账户 AWS 环境. ...
Step 1: Create a new private GitHub repository, as shown in figure 2. Sign in to your GitHub account and go to theRepositories Use theNewbutton to create a new repository. Choose a descriptive name for your repository, such aslanding-zone-acce...
学习的时候做的笔记放在下面,截图基本都来自Youtuber的slides,文字内容都是自己的summarize/white paper的概念。把ReadMe 上传上来后发现image都需要手动上传... 完整有图版可以访问Github Page: Matthewow/ ...
You will be introduced to key features of AMS, including the secure and compliant AWS Landing Zone, the proven enterprise operating model, ongoing cost optimization, and day-to-day infrastructure management. You will also understand how accounts are structured in AMS and how AMS networking is ...
Landing zone 可以帮助 AWS 用户管理多账户环境下的各种配置,并通过 Organization Unit(OU)来管理多账户的权限。每个 AWS organization 都有一个 root OU。OU 下可以连接账户或者子 OU。子 OU 继承父 OU 所有的权限配置。任何账户都必须连接在 OU 上并遵守所有上层 OU 的权限要求。通过这种树形结构,可以将相似的...
GitHub As a result of this course, you will receive a fully working and protected Landing Zone on the AWS cloud, which is also automated via AFT. This course will allow you to put the structure of your account on scripts (using the Terraform) and prepare the high level of security of ...