(米国外) 動画 AWS Summit DC 2022 - Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS での自動ガバナンスのスケーリング 動画を見る 航空宇宙 (米国) 米国での航空宇宙のユースケースをサポートするには、実装ガイドで、このソリューションを AWS GovCloud (米国) リージョンに実装する手順を参照してくださ...
In Products, choose a Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS - GovCloud Account Vending product and then Launch product. In Provisioned product name, enter or generate a name (for example, Landing_Zone_Accelerator_GovCloud_Account_LogArchive). In Product versions, choose ...
Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS architecture in AWS GovCloud(US) RegionsHat Ihnen diese Seite geholfen? Ja Nein Feedback geben Nächstes Thema:Deployment options for AWS GovCloud (US) workloads Vorheriges Thema:Prerequisites Brauchen Sie Hilfe? Versuchen Sie es mit AWS re:Post Einen AWS IQ-Expe...
Figure 1. Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS architecture in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. In this VRA, a Coalfire team of experts conducted this review of LZA on AWS via architecture reviews, collection of inventory, diagrams, and narratives. They requested artifacts and compared them a...
There are no additional charges or upfront commitments required to use Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS. You pay only for AWS services enabled in order to set up your platform and operate your controls. This solution can also support non-standard AWS partitions, including AWS GovCloud (US), ...
There are no additional charges or upfront commitments required to use Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS. You pay only for AWS services enabled in order to set up your platform and operate your controls. This solution can also support non-standard AWS partitions, including AWS GovCloud (US), ...
There are no additional charges or upfront commitments required to use Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS. You pay only for AWS services turned on to set up your platform and operate your controls. This solution can also support non-standard AWS partitions, including the AWS GovCloud (US), AWS...
Preparing for CMMC 2.0 compliance: What contractors can do today Support FedRAMP and CMMC compliance with the Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS 10 years of government cloud innovation with AWS GovCloud (US) Accelerate CMMC compliance with the AWS CMMC Customer Responsibility Matrix ...
核心管线验证和合并输入,并使用AWS CDK部署额外的CloudFormation堆栈。名为 aws-accelerator-config 的Amazon Simple Storage Service(Amazon S3)存储桶存储此解决方案使用的配置文件。这些配置文件是配置和管理解决方案的主要机制。 第6 步 CodeBuild项目可编译并验证解决方案的AWS CDK应用程序配置。
1.amazon aws.com cloudtrail.us-gov-east-1.am azonaws.com cloudtrail.us-gov-west-1.am azonaws.com 协议 HTTPS HTTPS 用户指南 支持日期 06/30/2014 11/12/2018 HTTPS 08/16/2011 有关 CloudTrail 在中使用的更多信息 AWS GovCloud (US) Regions,请参阅AWS GovCloud (US) 用 户指南中的服务终端...