您可能已经在上面的屏幕截图中注意到,向 AWS 发出的所有请求都遵循相同的命名约定;区域、lambda 版本日期和 lambda 函数名称被连接在一起以构建端点。当您运行时,sam local start-lambda …本地也会发生类似的过程!AWS 在您的计算机上创建一个映射到特定端口的本地端点。您甚至可以像这样指定该端口: sam local st...
AWS 提供种类最广泛的计算实例、存储类、数据库和分析,所有这些都是专门为提供最佳成本和性能而设计的。其中包括最全面的人工智能和数据服务集,包括您选择的用于构建生成式人工智能应用程序的领先 FM。借助 AWS 将应用程序迁移到云,可以更快、更轻松、更经济地将应用程序迁移到云或构建您能想象的几乎任何东西。
return CN_Mobile_Phone_Number_Regex.test(phoneNumber) } } 重新运行测试,通过!下一步是添加一个让测试失败的测试用例,然后改进代码让它通过。直到所有的测试用例都通过为止。这里略过不再赘述。 添加AWS Lambda 事件处理器 首先添加 aws-lambda 依赖,这是 AWS Lambda 为 NodeJs 开发的 SDK。 npm install aws...
AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME– 函数的名称。 AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_MEMORY_SIZE– 对函数可用的内存量(以 MB 为单位)。 AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_VERSION– 要执行的函数的版本。 AWS_LAMBDA_INITIALIZATION_TYPE– 函数的初始化类型,即on-demand、provisioned-concurrency或snap-start。有关信息,请参阅配置预置并发或使用 ...
The AWS .NET Mock Lambda Test Tool is a tool that can be used to load a .NET Core Lambda project and execute the selected code inside an emulated Lambda environment. An IDE that is attached to the process hosting this tool can then debug and step through the .NET Core Lambda code. Th...
Test your understanding of concurrency (sub-100 ms functions) The requests per second limit applies to all quotas in Lambda that involve concurrency. In other words, it applies to synchronous on-demand functions, functions that use provisioned concurrency, and concurrency scaling behavior. For exampl...
Full Local Development Many Serverless Framework users choose to emulate their entire serverless architecture locally. Please note, emulating AWS Lambda and other cloud services is never accurate and the process can be complex, especially as your project and teammates grow. As of V.4, we highly re...
ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/python", “-m”, “awslambdaric” ] 我运行这些命令来在我的本地机器上安装 Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator,例如在~/.aws-lambda-rie下: mkdir-p~/.aws-lambda-riecurl-Lo~/.aws-lambda-rie/aws-lambda-rie https://github.com/aws/aws-lambda-runtime-interface-em...
LocalStack supports a growing number of AWS services, like AWS Lambda, S3, DynamoDB, Kinesis, SQS, SNS, and many more! The Pro version of LocalStack supports additional APIs and advanced features. You can find a comprehensive list of supported APIs on our ☑️ Feature Coverage page....
Open theLambda console. ChooseCreate function. Configure the following settings: Function name: Enter a name for the function. Runtime: ChoosePython 3.12 SelectPermissions, and underExecution role, selectRole name. UnderPermissions policies, selectAdd permissions>Attach policies...