如果在连接到您的实例时看到以下错误消息:Network error: Connection timed out或Error connecting to [instance], reason: -> Connection timed out: connect,请尝试以下选项: 检查您的安全组规则。您需要一个安全组规则,该规则允许适当的端口上来自公有 IP 地址的入站流量。 打开Amazon EC2 控制台https://console...
I have anec2instance &containerdas the container runtime inside a private subnet (which has outbound internet access) inap-south-1. I have intialized a new cluster withkubeadm initon this master node. It ran successfully. I then wanted to installamazon-vpc-cnias the network manager for my k...
lf things don't work...Re-watch the lecture. You may have missed something Read the troubleshooting guide Try EC2 Instance Connect If one method works (SSH, Putty or EC2 Instance Connect) you're good If no method works, that's okay, the course won't use SSH much How to SSH using L...
DBInstanceResourceID– O identificador da instância de banco de dados. Para encontrar o ID do recurso da instância de banco de dados no console do Amazon RDS, escolha a instância de banco de dados para ver seus detalhes. Em seguida, escolha a guia...
コマンドが connection refused を返す場合は,「Snow Family デバイスのロック解除に関 するトラブルシューティング」を参照してください. Example unlock-device コマンドの例 この例では,デバイスの IP アドレスは であり,マニフェストファイル名は JID2EXAMPLE-0c40-49a7-9f53-...
Verifythatyouhavewaitedatleast1houraftertheEC2instancewascreatedbefore connectingviaSSH. Explanation IfyouusePuTTYtoconnecttoyourinstanceviaSSHandgeteitherofthefollowing errors,Error:ServerrefusedourkeyorError:Nosupportedauthenticationmethods available,verifythatyouareconnectingwiththeappropriateusernameforyourAMI. Ente...
这看起来像是入站规则问题。在使用使用AWS RDS的web应用程序的AWS教程中,提到了入站规则。您需要确保指定了弹性Beanstalk实例的IP地址。如果您不这样做,则连接将无法工作。
Network error: Connection timed out 或 Error connecting to [instance], reason: -> Connection timed out: connect 检查安全组规则、子网的路由表(验证是否有 Internet 网关附加到 VPC、是否指向vpc网关)、子网的网络访问控制列表 (ACL)
Consider having each thread use its own CallExecutor instance. package com.amazonaws.examples.social; import com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.Context; import com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.RequestStreamHandler; import com.evanlennick.retry4j.CallExecutor; import com.evanlennick.retry4j....
If your application gives a "connection refused" error, then it's an application error or it's not launched All inbound traffic isblockedby default All outbound traffic isauthorisedby default Classic Ports to know 22 = SSH (Secure Shell) - log into a Linux instance ...