Managing instance profiles (console) If you use the AWS Management Console to create a role for Amazon EC2, the console automatically creates an instance profile and gives it the same name as the role. When you then use the Amazon EC2 console to launch an instance with an IAM role, you ...
Created a development instance profile and associated that instance Attached the instance profile to EC2 instance Verified that Web server EC2 instnace can read from S3 Create a Policy for PROD from Console 1. create a policy called it "ProdS3ReadAccess" 2. create a role for EC2: In this s...
profileArn = profileCreateResponse.InstanceProfile.Arn; Thread.Sleep(10000); await _amazonIam.AddRoleToInstanceProfileAsync( new AddRoleToInstanceProfileRequest() { InstanceProfileName = profileName, RoleName = roleName }); } catch (EntityAlreadyExistsException) { Console.WriteLine("Policy already ...
限制EMR 集群权限是非常必要的. 但由于 EMR 不支持在同一集群中实现不同用户对 s3 的权限控制, 只有通过开启不同的 EMR 集群来实现. 账户默认的EMR_EC2_DefaultRole权限是针对所有 s3 资源 开启了s3:*的权限,非常不建议使用 AWS IAM 设计的非常好. 可以通过 policy 的组合实现复用. -- EOF --...
AWS发布了一些最佳实践,这些最佳实践不鼓励配置长期有效的"AWS API凭据"(AWS API credentials),并鼓励通过"实例配置文件"(Instance Profile)将"身份和访问管理(Identity and Access Management,IAM)角色"应用于EC2实例。 当"策略"(Policies)被附加到一个IAM角色(链接到一个"实例配置文件"的IAM角色)的时候 "策略"(...
The AWS console does not support the creation of IAM role paths. To set a path for the role, you need to use automation, such asAWS CLIcommands or SDKs. For example, you might use anAWS CloudFormationtemplate or a script that interacts with AWS APIs to ...。 进入环境后,注意需要绑定EKS管理员角色。首先跳转到EC2控制台: 然后修改角色配置: 搜索“eks”,绑定到实例: 然后修改安全组配置,添加三个安全组后保存: ControlPlaneSecurityGroup ...
Console password 交互式登录 AWS 界面时输入用户名和密码Access keys 在用户下可以创建 Access key 同时自动生成 secret,Acess Key 用于 AWS Cli 和 AWS API 的场合新建IAM user 是没有权限使用 AWS 资源的,这时需要通过下面介绍的 policy 把使用 AWS 资源的权限赋给 IAM user 或相应的 group。groupgroup 是 ...
variable "profile" { type = string } variable "main-region" { type = string } vpc子模块输出变量,vpc子模块创建成功后,可以读取vpc相关信息,供上层或其他模块调用时读取 output "vpc_id" { description = "The ID of the VPC"