在AWS管理控制台的首页,点击顶部菜单栏中的“服务”(Services)。 在弹出的服务列表中,找到并点击“IAM”(Identity and Access Management)。 选择要为其创建Access Key的用户: 在IAM服务页面中,左侧导航栏选择“用户”(Users)。 找到你想要为其创建Access Key的用户,点击该用户的名称。 进入用户的“安全凭证”标...
您可以使用 IAM Identity Center 集中管理對多個 的存取, AWS 帳戶 並為使用者提供受 MFA 保護的單一登入存取,可從單一位置存取其所有指派的帳戶。使用 IAM Identity Center,您可以在 IAM Identity Center 中建立和管理使用者身分,或輕鬆連線至您現有的 SAML 2.0 相容身分提供者。如需詳細資訊,請參閱AWS IAM Iden...
as a best practice, AWS recommends relying on temporary credentials usingfederationwhen accessing AWS accounts. Federation enables you to use your existing identity provider to access AWS. You can also useAWS IAM Identity Centerto manage your identities and their ...
IAM › UserGuide IAM Identities IAM identities authenticate, authorize actions. Users have permissions. Groups contain users. Roles grant permissions without association. Root user accesses resources. External providers federate identities assuming roles. IAM Identity Center manages identities. ...
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) 使您能够安全地控制用户对 Amazon AWS 服务和资源的访问权限。
aws iam create-access-key --user-name dev-gg 返回结果 {"AccessKey":{"UserName":"dev-gg","AccessKeyId":"***","Status":"Active","SecretAccessKey":"***","CreateDate":"2022-03-28T06:04:50+00:00"}} 记录AceessKey, 和 Secret. ...
Configure single sign-on for AWS IAM Identity Center. Create a group that will provide all users access to the application. Assign the group to the AWS Identity Center application. Assign your test user as a direct member of the group created in the previous step, or provide them acces...
AWS发布了一些最佳实践,这些最佳实践不鼓励配置长期有效的"AWS API凭据"(AWS API credentials),并鼓励通过"实例配置文件"(Instance Profile)将"身份和访问管理(Identity and Access Management,IAM)角色"应用于EC2实例。 当"策略"(Policies)被附加到一个IAM角色(链接到一个"实例配置文件"的IAM角色)的时候 "策略"(...
AWS IAM Identity Center Axiad Cloud Connector Axway CSOS B C D - E F - G H - I J - K L - M N - O P Q - S T - V W - Z User provisioning tutorials 0 - 9 A - F G - M N - S T - Z Download PDF Save Add to Collections ...
AWS::IAM::RolePolicy AWS::IAM::SAMLProvider AWS::IAM::ServerCertificate AWS::IAM::ServiceLinkedRole AWS::IAM::User AWS::IAM::UserPolicy AWS::IAM::UserToGroupAddition AWS::IAM::VirtualMFADevice AWS IAM Identity Center Identity Store AWS Identity and Access Management Access Analyzer EC2 Image...