近日,领星集团美国分公司GenomiCare, Inc. 与AWS签署了业务合作协议,双方就遵守, 符合HIPAA规则达成一致。此协议的签订让GenomiCare能够在更安全的环境下来使用,处理和储存脱敏的临床数据,在充分保护PHI(Personal Health Information,个人健康信息)的前提下,为全球范围的客户安全使用信息和数据提供承诺和保障。什么...
近日,领星集团美国分公司GenomiCare, Inc. 与AWS签署了业务合作协议,双方就遵守,符合HIPAA规则达成一致。 上海2020年7月2日 /美通社/ -- 近日,领星集团美国分公司GenomiCare, Inc. 与AWS签署了业务合作协议,双方就遵守,符合HIPAA规则达成一致。此协议的签订让GenomiCare能够在更安全的环境下来使用,处理和储存脱敏的...
informazioni sanitarie protette (PHI) solamente nell'ambito dei servizi definiti come idonei alla normativa HIPAA nell’addendum al contratto di società in affari (BAA). Per l'elenco più recente dei servizi AWS idonei alla normativa HIPAA, consulta la pagina webHIPAA Eligible Services Reference...
HIPAA eligibility and data security This is a HIPAA Eligible Service. For more information about AWS, U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), and using AWS services to process, store, and transmit protected health information (PHI), seeHIPAA Overview. ...
Introducing the Self-Service Business Associate Addendum AWS HIPAA Program Update – Dedicated Instances and Hosts Are No Longer Required Four HIPAA Eligible Services Recently Added to the AWS Business Associate Agreement ← Older posts
This is a HIPAA Eligible Service. For more information about AWS, U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), and using AWS services to process, store, and transmit protected health information (PHI), see HIPAA Overview. For information about this service and ISO...
For the latest list of HIPAA-eligible AWS services, see HIPAA Eligible Services Reference. More information on AWS & HIPAA can be found here The list of checks showed by this group is as follows, they will be mostly relevant for Subsections 164.306 Security standards: General rules and ...
For the latest list of HIPAA-eligible AWS services, see HIPAA Eligible Services Reference. More information on AWS & HIPAA can be found here The list of checks showed by this group is as follows, they will be mostly relevant for Subsections 164.306 Security standards: General rules and ...
これらの課題を解決するために、Amazon Web Services (AWS) 上の IBM の SaaS データベース・ソリューションのポートフォリオは、企業がハイブリッド・クラウドのランドスケープ全体でアプリケーション、アナリティクス、AI をスケールできるようにします。これには、 ネイティブの...
Amazon Transcribe Medical:A HIPAA-eligible, machine learning-powered medical transcription service, geared towards developers to add medical speech-to-text capabilities to their applications, AWS says. Amazon SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes:A new capability that makes it easier for developers and data...