Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval 儲存類別 Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive 儲存類別 Amazon S3 Glacier 儲存類別類專為資料封存而設,為您提供最高的效能、最大的擷取靈活性和最低成本的雲端封存儲存。您現在可以從針對不同存取模式和儲存持續時間最佳化的三種封存儲存類別中進行選擇。
对于需要即时访问的归档数据,例如医学图像、新闻媒体资产或基因组学数据,请选择 S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval 存储类,这种归档存储类可提供最低的存储成本及毫秒级检索速度。对于不需要立即访问但需要灵活地免费检索大量数据的归档数据,例如备份或灾难恢复使用场景,请选择 S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval,它可在几分钟内...
使用批量 S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval 或 S3 Glacier Deep Archive 请求检索的数据量 region-BytesDeleted-GDA GB 每月 DeleteObject 操作从 S3 Glacier Deep Archive 存储中删除的数据量 region-BytesDeleted-GIR GB 每月 DeleteObject 操作从 S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval 存储中删除的数据量。 region-Byte...
同样,在上传完成之前,针对 S3 Glacier Deep Archive 存储类的 PUT 请求的正在上传的分段采用 S3 Standard 存储费率按 S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval 暂存存储计费,而只有 CompleteMultipartUpload 请求按 S3 Glacier Deep Archive 费率计费。 如果您停止分段上传,Amazon S3 将删除上传构件和已上传的任何分段,您将不再...
把对象复制到不同的 Storage class 中:比如利用 replication 把对象直接复制到目标 bucket 的 S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval 或者 S3 Glacier Deep Archive 中 复制对象到不同的属主(ownership)下:把对象复制到不同的 AWS account 下的 bucket 中(owner override) ...
The solution also builds in logic to restore S3 object when the targeted object is on our Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval (Formerly S3 Glacier) or Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class.With a simple HTTPS POST request specifying bucket and key values, you start the fixity process ...
🔸Glacier’s pricing policy is reportedly pretty complicated: “Glacier data retrievals are priced based on the peak hourly retrieval capacity used within a calendar month.” Some more info can be found here and here. 💸Be aware of the per-object costs of archiving S3 data to Glacier. It...
AWS, Microsoft and Google each offer well over 100 cloud services. It's hard enough keeping tabs on what one cloud offers, so good luck trying to get a handle on the products from the three major providers. No one can be an expert on everything on a single cloud, let ...
Real time access—Data stored in Amazon Glacier is not available in real time. Retrieval jobs typically require 3-5 hours to complete, so if you need immediate access to your data, Amazon S3 is a better choice EBS usage summary:- Amazon EBS is meant for data that changes relatively frequ...
1. Does Amazon support all services with region-based services? No, not all of its services offer usage that is specific to a particular place. But the majority of the services are region-specific. 2. In AWS, what is EBS? A storage system used to store persistent data is called elastic...