GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocation GetMaintenanceWindowTask GetOpsItem GetOpsMetadata GetOpsSummary GetParameter GetParameterHistory GetParameters GetParametersByPath GetPatchBaseline GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroup GetResourcePolicies GetServiceSetting LabelParameterVersion ListAssociations ListAssociationVersions List...
To get information about more than one parameter at a time, use the GetParameters operation. See also:AWS API Documentation Synopsis¶ get-parameter--name<value>[--with-decryption|--no-with-decryption][--cli-input-json<value>][--generate-cli-skeleton<value>][--debug][--endpoint-url<valu...
方法名:getParameters Request.getParameters介绍 [英]Returns a map of all parameters in this request.[中]返回此请求中所有参数的映射。 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: private Request createRequest(Session session) { Request request = Request.newGraphPathRequest(session, "me/friends",...
The recorded information includes the identity of the API caller, the time of the API call, the source IP address of the API caller, the request parameters, and the response elements returned by the AWS service. AWSSDK.CloudTrailData Add CloudTrail Data Service to enable users to ingest ...
#请替换<你的 KeyPair 名字> 为实际使用的 Key Pair 名字 aws cloudformation create-stack --region us-west-2 \ --stack-name codecoach \ --template-body file://cf-template.yaml \ --parameters ParameterKey=SSHKeyName,ParameterValue=<你的 KeyPair 名字> \ --capabilities ... - triggers a Jenkins job with parameters which can be passed as --data KEY=VALUE - enables all Jenkins jobs/pipelines with names matching a given regex - disables all Jenkins jobs/pipelines with names matching ...
在右侧,您可以在API Parameters(API 参数)下,选择从下拉列表中重新选择新创建的 SNS 主题 ARN。 检查API Parameters(API 参数)值(针对Batch: Submit Job状态),以便您从 DynamoDB 获取 AWS Batch 作业输入。 仔细阅读提示以保存状态机。 请参阅AWS Step Functions 入门和通过 Step Functions ...
database.js[letAWS=require("aws-sdk");//Create new DocumentClientletdocClient=newAWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();//Returns all of the connection IDsmodule.exports.getConnectionIds=async()=>{letparams={TableName:"WebSocketClients"};returndocClient.scan(params).promise();};module.exports.getCNYData...