step1: 找到EC2 在右上角找到服务, 点击它, 然后在下方找到compute(云计算), 在展开的侧边栏找到EC2, 点击它 image.png step2: 新建实例 现在你应该在EC2 Dashboard页面中, 在下方找到一个Launch instance(启动实例)(但是这里的意思应该是新建实例),点击它 image.png step3: 配置实例 现在你应该位于 EC2 > ...
查看实例类型详细信息: aws ec2 describe-instance-types \ --instance-type 't2.micro' \ --query 'InstanceTypes[*].{FreeTierEligible:FreeTierEligible,MemorySizeInMiB:MemoryInfo.SizeInMiB, NetworkPerformance:NetworkInfo.NetworkPerformance, ProcessorInfo:ProcessorInfo, vCPUs:VCpuInfo.DefaultVCpus}' 创建...
在“Amazon Machine Image (AMI)”下拉列表里选一个“Free tier eligible”的镜像 创建完成。我们没有在 template 中指定 security group,默认就会使用 default security group。 在EC2 的 Launch Templates 下也可以看到新建的 template 2. 创建 Auto Scaling group 在EC2 界面,在左边菜单栏“Auto Scaling”下...
Available on the AWS Free Tier* Burstable CPU Performance T2 Unlimited Burstable EBS Performance Product Details NamevCPUsRAM (GiB)CPU Credits/hrOn-Demand Price/hr*1-yr Reserved Instance Effective Hourly*3-yr Reserved Instance Effective Hourly* ...
Free tier: 30GB of free EBS storage of type General Purpose (SSD) or Magnetic per month EBS Volume It a network drive (i.e. not a physical drive)It uses the network to communicate the instance, which means there might be a bit of latencyIt can be detached from an EC2 instance and ...
Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)页面显示一组称为Amazon 系统映像 (AMI)的基本配置,作为您的实例的模板。选择 Amazon Linux 2 的 HVM 版本。 请注意,这些 AMI 标记为“Free tier eligible”(符合条件的免费套餐)。 在Choose an Instance Type (选择实例类型)页面上,您可以选择实例的硬件配置。选择t2.mic...
Launch an Amazon EC2 instance Select Free Tier Instances for the Machine Image Choose the Instance Type Configure Instance Details Add storage Add Tags Security Group Launch and create a key pair Review and launch the instance SSH into the virtual machine Inside the ubuntu shell Transfer your proje...
How Turbonomic helps:Turbonomic is designed to assure the performance of your applications at the lowest possible cost.You can start a free 30-day trial todayand see results in as little as 30 minutes! Best Practices for Choosing the Best EC2 Instance Type ...
Create an EC2 instance 2、 现在在创建实例Create instance下点击“启动实例”Launch Instance按钮。 Launch the EC2 instance 3、 现在,当你使用的是一个 “Free Tier” 帐号,接着***选择 “Free Tier” 单选按钮以便 AWS 可以过滤出可以免费使用的实例。这可以让你不用为使用 AWS 的资源而付费。
UnderInstance type, choose the free tier eligiblet2.microtype as the hardware configuration for your instance. UnderKey pair (login), choose a key pair or create one. You can also chooseProceed without a key pair. Note For the purposes of this tutorial, you can proceed without a key pair...