Face_recognition使用世界上最简单的人脸识别库,在Python或命令行中识别和操作人脸。使用dlib最先进的人脸识别技术构建而成,并具有深度学习功能。今天项目中要用到,记录一下安装过程:环境 AWS Linux(centos)、python 3.7(必须有python3环境)由于face recognition使用基于dlib库,所以需要先安装dlib库,安装dlib库...
AWS IoT Core,AWS IoT Greengrass,AWS Lambda,AWS Secret Manager,device,Face Detection,Face Recognition,Greengrass,ipc,real time
这些企业客户希望使用计算机视觉技术来发现流水线中的缺陷,并改善工作场所的安全度。 计算机视觉技术是典型借助人工智能产生巨大技术突破的领域,如人体姿态估测(HPE)、物品分类(objects classification)和人脸识别(face recognition)。但计算机视觉技术上的实现与在现实世界中的应用,还需要有人推一把。 而AWS准确地抓住了...
AWS EC2 based Home Security System using Face RecognitionShambhavi V. ChippaR. R. DubeIJERT-International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology
转自我的博客. 原文:2018 Geekpwn Adversarial Attacks on Face Recognition 写点好玩的... 安全比赛Geekpwn今年开始强调"人工智能安全", 办了一个CAAD对抗样本攻防赛. 这让我在多年没碰CTF之后又有了一个CTF的机会,只是这次攻击的是ImageNet分类器.. ...
Amazon Rekognition today announces three new features: detection and recognition of text in images, real-time face recognition across tens of millions of faces, and detection of up to 100 faces in challenging crowded photos. Customers who are already u...
StartFaceSearch StartLabelDetection StartPersonTracking StartTextDetection StartSegmentDetection 支持Amazon Rekognition Video 的每个区域 – 5 StartCelebrityRecognition在 AWS GovCloud (US)中不可用。 每个账户最大并发存储视频作业数20 单个批量分析的每账户每秒交易次数开始操作:StartMediaAnalysisJob在亚马逊 Rekognition...
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You can get information about the input and output streams, the input parameters for the face recognition being performed, and the current status of the stream processor. Specified by: describeStreamProcessor in interface AmazonRekognition Parameters: describeStreamProcessorRequest - Returns:...