I got {"message":"Forbidden"} on an API with EndpointConfiguration set to PRIVATE, and a VpcEndpoint created for it in the Vpc's private subnets (this is an inter-service API) The reason I got {"message":"Forbidden"} was that I was under the impression I should use one of the Vpc...
When I call the AWS API Gateway with a POST Mapping Template for application/x-www-form-urlencoded and query string URL parameters (with a Lambda function), I get the following error: { "message":"When Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded, URL cannot include ...
I tried to accesshttps://0fkluarvo2.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/staging/adminand got a 504{"message": "Endpoint request timed out"}: This was because my Lambdaruns inside a VPC and was not allowed to connect to internet. ...
'body': base64.b64encode(responseBody).decode('utf-8'), 'isBase64Encoded': True } except Exception as e: print('error message - ', e.__class__.__name__, ' : ', e) return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': 'no file: '+key } else: # auth failed return { 'sta...
{'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8', 'User-Agent': 'aws-cli/1.16.215 Python/3.7.3 Linux/4.14.133-113.105.amzn2.x86_64 botocore/1.12.205'}, 'body': {'Action': 'ListGroups', 'Version': '2010-05-08'}, 'url': 'https://iam.amazonaws.com/',...
When making requests to AWS resources using the AWS Signature authorization Access Key and Secret Key, this error message is returned from AWS: { "message": "The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. ...
In the same command prompt, use thebase64utility to decode the logs. The following example shows how to retrieve base64-encoded logs formy-function. aws lambda invoke --function-name my-function out --log-type Tail \ --query 'LogResult' --output text --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64...
type不配置时,该参数的值来自请求中查询参数或者application/x-www-form-urlencoded类型内容中请求参数 type=body时,该参数的值来自请求内容application/xml、application/json等类型的值,Controller将接收到请求内容的字符串值 type=cookie时,该参数的值来自请求内容的cookie,Controller将接收到对应name的cookie值 ...
isBase64Encoded: true }; return callback(null, responseObject); } 一切都按预期方式以压缩方式返回。因为我们设置了内容编码,所以浏览器解压缩了响应。 问题是,使用AWS开发工具包JS直接从浏览器调用Lambda函数时,如何设置标头?API Gateway是一项服务,该服务实现了先前设置中的标头,而没有在AWS Lambda标头前面放置...
我们需要从method获取值doGetRequest并使用响应,我们可以通过以下方式做到这一点await response = doGet...