More information can be found in the terraform{}no additional_security_group_rulesA list of Security Group rule objects to add to the created security group, in addition to the ones this module normally creates. (To suppress the module's rules, ...
You can enable EFS to ensure that any plan outputs are persisted to EFS in the event that the Atlantis Task is replaced:```hcl module "atlantis" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/atlantis/aws" # Truncated for brevity ... # EFS enable_efs = true efs = { mount_targets = { "eu-...
module "vpc" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws" name = "my-vpc" cidr = "" azs = ["eu-west-1a", "eu-west-1b", "eu-west-1c"] private_subnets = ["", "", ""] public_subnets = ["", "",...
Terraform架构实践(1)- AWS上基础环境介绍 Terraform架构实践(2)- 与Packer配合定制AMI ,实现 ELB + Auto Scaling Group Terraform架构实践(3)- 与Ansible集成的主要方法,实现中国区自己的“EFS” Terraform架构实践(4)- 一些典型的场景应用和常见问题 本次我们主要围绕Packer的集成来实现,自动应用...
1:通过Terraform创建目标账号下所需要的Infra层面的所有资源. 2:通过Terraform调用Ansible Playbook实现对所有目标主机的配置。 AWS上HA实现方案: 1:VIP 在AWS由于Subnet无法跨AZ,所以实现的方法就存在两种。Overlay的假IP,就是一个存粹的路由表指向,将这个不真实存在于VPC内的IP指向一个ENI ; 还有一...
[Mobilar] DevOps by Terraform: Django on AWS Lambda (EFS Edition) *** Ref:WordPress on AWS Lambda (EFS Edition) 创业这种事儿,初期还是自己掌握 deployment 比较安全。 阅读笔记 资料不是特别的多,这个事情暂时搁置,还需要深入思考。。。
解決方案的輸入參數位於terraform.tfvars檔案中。您可以使用下列程式碼範例來建立一個 Canary。 module"canary"{source ="./modules/canary"name runtime_version =var.runtime_version take_screenshot =var.take_screenshot api_hostname =var.api_hostname api_path =var.ap...
Bicep ARM 模板 Terraform 本文内容 Bicep 资源定义 资源格式 属性值 API Versions: 最新 Bicep 资源定义 可以使用目标操作部署 efsMountTargets 资源类型: 资源组 - 请参阅 资源组部署命令 有关每个 API 版本中已更改属性的列表,请参阅 更改日志。 资源格式 若要创建 Microsoft.AwsConne...
由于您代入来部署 Terraform 项目的 IAM 角色/用户没有与 ParallelCluster API 交互的权限。计划可能会失败。在这种情况下,返回的错误信息如下: Planning failed. Terraform encountered an error while generating this plan. │ Error: 403 Forbidden │ │ with module.parallelcluster_clusters.module.clusters[0]....
Rancher’s support for integrating with Azure AD has been upgraded to use the new Microsoft Graph API (AKA MSAL). Microsoft is decommissioning the old API before the end of the year, and all users will need to switch to the newer standard. You can read more about this change and any st...