AWS Educate 提供内容丰富、自定进度的免费在线培训库,涵盖一系列主题。无论您是更愿意通过观看视频还是动手实践来学习,AWS Educate 都能满足每个人的需求。您甚至可以赢取可共享的数字徽章,用来展示您的技能。 与就业关联 年满18 周岁的学习者可以访问 AWS Educate 求职板,以探寻、搜索和申请数以千计的热门岗位以及...
一、AWS服务器申请 登录,依次点击AWS Account->AWS educate starter account->Aws console 创建EC2实例 创建过程中选择系统,这里我们选择Ubuntu18.04 ,同时需要保存私钥mykey.pem文件。后面使用FTP工具及XShell客户端连接服务器时会用到。创建好的实例如下图所示 image-20200806184748127.png 二、Xshell配...
At last week’s AWS Public Sector Summit, AWS Educate announced the AWS Educate Starter Account that gives students more options when joining the program and does not require a credit card or payment option. The AWS Educate Starter Account provides the same training, curriculum, and technolo...
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登录AWS Account Status后,如图 将上面框框内的内容写到~/.aws/credentials 如果是Windows的话,路径应该是C:\Users\你的用户名\.aws\credentials。没试过,如果不对的话请指出 最后新增一行写region=region=us-east-1 就像这样 aws_access_key_id=xxxxxx ...
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你将获得 AWS Educate Starter Account,其中包括 12 个月的免费云计算服务。 你可以在 AWS Educate 社区中与其他学生和教师进行互动。 你可以使用 AWS Educate 资源库中的教育资源和培训资料,来学习云计算和相关技术。 你可以获得 AWS 技术支持,快速解决遇到的问题。
Choose an AWS Educate Starter Account to receive access to an AWS account with a preset limit on your spend on AWS services. An AWS Educate Starter Account is run and managed by a third party (Vocareum, Inc.) and the Starter Account runs in Vocareum's environment on AWS. Starter Accounts...
We are currently hiring Software Development Engineers, Product Managers, Account Managers, Solutions Architects, Support Engineers, System Engineers, Designers and more. Visit our Careers page to learn more. Amazon Web Services is an Equal Opportunity Employer....
The AWS Educate Starter Account provides the same training, curriculum, and technology benefits of the standard AWS Account. AWS Marketplace for the U.S. Intelligence Community: We have launched the AWS Marketplace for the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) to meet the needs of our IC ...