The image scanning configuration setting for the repository. #registry_id⇒String The registry ID associated with the request. Returns: (String)— The registry ID associated with the request. #repository_name⇒String The repository name associated with the request. ...
新版本 ECR 基本掃描現已在所有 AWS 商業區域和 AWS GovCloud (美國) 區域正式提供,無需額外費用。現有客戶可以透過 AWS Console 或新的put-account-settingAPI 切換到新版本。新 ECR 帳戶會自動選擇使用新的掃描版本。若要進一步了解 ECR 基本掃描、本次變更和支援區域,請瀏覽我們的文件。ECR 還提供採用 Amazon ...
Type: AwsEcrRepositoryImageScanningConfigurationDetails object Required: No ImageTagMutability The tag mutability setting for the repository. Valid values are IMMUTABLE or MUTABLE. Type: String Pattern: .*\S.* Required: No LifecyclePolicy Information about the lifecycle policy for the repository. ...
ISO27001要求,必须在每次推送时启用ECR扫描。要修复构建时资源,请将scan_on_push设置为true:resource "aws_ecr_repository""foo" {name = "bar"image_tag_mutability = "MUTABLE"image_scanning_configuration {+ scan_on_push = true}}确保存储在SQS队列中的所有数据已加密 Amazon简单队列服务(Amazon SQS)允许...
aws ecr create-repository \\ --repository-name frontend/react-node\\ --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true \\ --image-tag-mutability IMMUTABLE --regionus-east-2 创建仓库 成功后,在 Console 上会看到类似如下内容: Tag(标记)和 Push(推送)本地 Docker 镜像 ...
为了上传容器映像,我在账户中创建了一个新的 ECR 存储库,然后标记本地映像以将其推送到 ECR。为了识别容器映像中的软件漏洞,我启用了ECR 映像扫描。 $ aws ecr create-repository --repository-name random-letter --image-scanning-configurationscanOnPush=true ...
After packaging the new application code and pushing it to Amazon ECR, the image scanning with Amazon Inspector is triggered. As image scanning runs, Amazon Inspector emits EventBridge Finding events for each vulnerability detected, as well as a scan competition event at the end, as...
二、创建 ECR 仓库 创建ECR 镜像仓库,我所有的操作都是在 us-east-1 这个区域,操作的 IAM 用户拥有 root 权限。 $ aws ecr create-repository --repository-name nginx-ecs --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true --region us-east-1 {
Q: What is the policy for patching AWS for Fluent Bit for vulnerabilities, CVEs and image scan findings? AWS for Fluent Bit uses ECR image scanning in its release pipeline and any scan that finds high or critical vulnerabilities will block a release:scripts/ ...
创建ECR存储库 aws ecr create-repository \ --repository-name hello-world \ --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true \ --region region 标记你创建的docker图像。 docker tag hello-world:latest 把它推到你的ECR回购协议上。 do...