选择python语言,并且选择一个有权限调用aws sdk控制ec2实例状态的角色,创建角色此处不展开。 编写脚本内容,指定ec2实例所在大区以及实例id,调用boto3 sdk能力来操作指定实例的状态。 代码语言:javascript 复制 importjsonimportboto3 region='ap-xxx'instances=['i-13435555555xxxx']ec2=boto3.client('ec2',region_name...
$ echo "ec2-terminate-instances $EC2_INSTANCE_ID" | at now + 55 min || die 'cannot obtain instance-id' 如果要将其分配为自终止时自停,则只能执行一次。 在您的EC2 Console中转到Instance Settings,将Shutdown Behavior更改为Stop。 配置/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg,您可以参考how to run a boot script us...
On-Demand Capacity Reservations enable you to reserve capacity for your Amazon EC2 instances in a specific Availability Zone for any duration. By creating Capacity Reservations, you ensure that you always have access to EC2 capacity when you need it, for as long as you need it. Capacity Reserva...
在PowerShell下运行C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Scripts\InitializeInstance -Schedule 运行C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Settings目录下的Ec2LaunchSettings,勾选要初始化的选项,选择Shutdown with Sysprep(注意这会关机的) Ec2ConfigService位于C:\Program Files\Amazon\Ec2ConfigService目录下,可...
EC2 maintenance events,EC2 Spot interruptions,ASG Scale-In, ASG AZ Rebalance, and EC2 Instance Termination via the API or Console. If not handled, your application code may not stop gracefully, take longer to recover full availability, or accidentally schedule work to nodes that are going down....
最后,会基于AWS Fault Injection Simulator(FIS)服务进行相关中断事件的模拟,从而阐述新方案的优势和工作流程。另外通过上述描述可知,中断事件除了 Spot 实例相关的以外,还包括了一些 Schedule 的 Health event 和 EC2 节点状态的变化相关事件,后续的优化设计也包括了对其的处理,但在本文不进行重点阐述。
Resources can be evaluated when there are configuration changes, on a periodic schedule, or both. Trigger types After you add a rule to your account, AWS Config compares your resources to the conditions of the rule. After this initial evaluation, AWS Config continues to run evaluations each ...
With Resource Scheduler, you can choose to automatically stop and start instances across multiple AWS Regions and AWS accounts according to a schedule you define. The Quick Setup configuration targets Amazon EC2 instances using the tag key and value that you specify. Only the instances with a tag...
module "asg" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/autoscaling/aws" # Autoscaling group name = "example-asg" min_size = 0 max_size = 1 desired_capacity = 1 wait_for_capacity_timeout = 0 health_check_type = "EC2" vpc_zone_identifier = ["subnet-1235678", "subnet-87654321"] initial_lif...
With AWS Glue, you only pay for the time for which your job runs and not for the environment provisioning or shutdown time. Q: Can I control the Glue resources used in my jobs and set limits? Yes. AWS Glue offers Usage Profiles, a cost control capability that allows admins to set ...