The PowerShell commandlet to create a volume is New-EC2Volume which will need the snapshot id, size, availability zone, and volume type. You need to be sure the volume is created in the same AZ as the target EC2 instance or you will not be able to attach it! $Volume = ( N...
AwsEc2VolumeAttachment AwsEc2VolumeDetails AwsEc2VpcDetails CidrBlockAssociation AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceServiceTypeDetails AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnectionDetails VpcInfoCidrBlockSetDetails VpcInfoIpv6CidrBlockSetDetails VpcInfoPeeringOptionsDetails AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnectionStatusDetails AwsEc...
Then use the following command, substituting the mount point of the file system (XFS file systems must be mounted to resize them).注意下括号里面的内容:xfs文件系统必须挂载状态。 [ec2-user ~]$sudo xfs_growfs -d/mnt 怎么查看文件系统的类型: file -s /dev/xvd* 显示块设备: lsblkcommand to li...
AWSConfigRemediation-ModifyEBSVolumeType Amazon EC2 AWS-ASGEnterStandby AWS-ASGExitStandby AWS-CreateImage AWS-DeleteImage AWS-PatchAsgInstance AWS-PatchInstanceWithRollback AWS-QuarantineEC2Instance AWS-ResizeInstance AWS-RestartEC2Instance AWS-SetupJupyter ...
Further readingHow to Resize an Amazon EBS Volume FREE WHITEPAPER Backup and Disaster Recovery on AWS Every minute of downtime means money lost. Plan your perfect disaster recovery strategy on AWS: Download Now EC2 Backup Method 2: Creating a New AMI ...
For an extra, hourly fee, customers can start the chosen Amazon EC2 instances types as the EBS optimized instances. The EBS-optimized instances will allow the EC2 instances to utilize the IOPS provided in the EBS volume completely. The EBS-optimized instances will deliver the dedicated throughput...
Amazon EC2 Spot Instances Amazon Elastic Container Service Amazon Elastic File System Intelligent-Tiering Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Amazon Redshift (elastic resize) Amazon Redshift (pause and resume) Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class Amazon Workspaces Cost Optimizer Amazon Auto Scaling...
AWS 提供多种工具协助客户做成本优化,其中使用EMR on EC2 Spot Instances是常用且有效的方式,节省可高达90% 。客户在高峰期大量使用Spot时可能会出现申请失败的情况,EMR 服务在无法满足申请Spot需求时,会在60分钟内重试,如60分钟后仍无法成功,则会放弃重试,后期即便有充足的Spot也不会重新发起申请。因此对于...
Resize a EBS volume: Detach the original EBS volume Create a snapshot of the orginal EBS volume's data in Amamzon S3. Create a new EBS volume from the snapshot but specify a larger size than the orginal volume Attach the new, larger volume to your EC2 instance in place of the original...
To install GitHub Enterprise Server on Amazon Web Services (AWS), you must launch an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance and create and attach a separate Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) data volume. Prerequisites You must have a GitHub Enterprise li...