6. What is Amazon EC2, and what are its main uses? Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) provides scalable virtual servers called instances in the AWS Cloud. It is used to run a variety of workloads flexibly and cost-effectively. Some of its main uses are illustrated below: Host websites an...
Top 32 AWS Interview Questions and Answers For 2024 AWS Cloud Technology and Services Course Streaming Data with AWS Kinesis and Lambda Course Author Zoumana Keita A multi-talented data scientist who enjoys sharing his knowledge and giving back to others, Zoumana is a YouTube content creator and...
1、AWS的核心服务是什么:Route 53、SES、IAM、S3、EC2、EBS、CloudWatch 2、一个账号可以创建100个桶 3、一个账号可以有5个EIP 4、一个VPC最多可以200子网 5、一个账号在每个Region最多可以有20个EC2实例,其中包括2个高IO的实例,更多数量需要AWS审批。Netflix有超过10W servers,显然是审批过了。 上面仅仅是常...
Docker Interview Questions and Answers 1. What is the difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT in a Dockerfile? Feature CMD ENTRYPOINT Can be overridden by the user Yes No Is executed first when the container starts No Yes Can be used to specify multiple commands Yes No Ans : CMD in Dockerfile...
- Machine Learning Interview Questions and Answers - Machine Learning Latest News The App covers Machine Learning Basics and Advanced topics including: NLP, Computer Vision, Python, linear regression, logistic regression, Sampling, dataset, statistical interaction, selection bias, non-Gaussian distribution...
Pattern name –Combine your answers to the previous steps as follows: <action> on/to <target object> using <tool> The following are examples: Rehost (action) waves, applications, or servers (source object) to Amazon EC2 (target object) using Application Migration Service or Cloud Migration...
Name Email Required, but never shown Post Your Answer By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge you have read our privacy policy. Browse other questions tagged amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 apache-zookeeper or ask your own quest...
Answers will vary depending on the exact roles and experiences of the candidates but their responses should include specific services they’ve used, which will likely include the most widely used services: RDS, EC2, Lambda, S3, and SQS/SNS. Inquire about some of the services each candidate men...
For example, you can make use of a role which allows EC2 service to acesses s3 buckets (read and write). What are Policies? Policies documents used to give permissions as to what a user, group or role are able to do. Their format is JSON. A user is unable to access an s3 ...
Describing how the customer's duties may change depending on the service utilized (for example with RDS, Lambda, or EC2) Defining AWS responsibilities Recognize resources for security assistance Acknowledging that logs are for auditing and monitoring Understanding the scope of User and Identity Managemen...