AWS Cost Optimization Hub AccountEnrollmentStatus BlockStoragePerformanceConfiguration ComputeConfiguration ComputeSavingsPlans ComputeSavingsPlansConfiguration DbInstanceConfiguration EbsVolume EbsVolumeConfiguration Ec2AutoScalingGroup Ec2AutoScalingGroupConfiguration Ec2Instance Ec2InstanceConfiguration Ec2InstanceSavingsPlans ...
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(Amazon EC2)P4d 实例为云端机器学习(ML)训练和高性能计算(HPC)应用提供了高性能。P4d 实例由 NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU 提供支持,并提供业界领先的高吞吐量和低延迟网络。这些实例支持 400 Gbps 的实例联网。P4d 实例在训练 ML 模型时可产生多达 60% 的成本节约,包括与上一代的...
T2 instances are a low-cost, general purpose instance type that provides a baseline level of CPU performance with the ability to burst above the baseline when needed. With On-Demand Instance prices starting at $0.0058 per hour, T2 instances are one of the lowest-cost Amazon EC2 instance optio...
1️⃣ EC2 Spot Instance(现场实例):自己定义一个保留价格(愿意支付的最高价格),当现货价格低于最高价格时可以继续使用。 1. 现货价格是每时每刻都在波动的,一旦现货价格高过我们的保留价格,我们可以有2分钟的时间来决定stop或者terminate(前篇文章讲述过二者的区别) 2. 另一个防止EC2实例被AWS回收的策略是...
Has the highest cost but no upfront payment No long-term commitment ·Recommended forshort-term and un-interrupted workloads, where you can't predict how the application will behave EC2 Reserved Instance 预留实例: (1年或3年两个选项) 预定且可预付(无预付、部分预付、全预付) ...
替换interface为配置为接收数据的网络接口(以太网适配器)。通常,这是eth0因为这是为 EC2 实例分配的默认网络接口。 如果设置c6i家庭实例,则需要修改命令以将环形缓冲区设置为8192,而不是16384。 调整CPU C-State-影响 CPU 设置C-State,避免在联络开始时 CPU 空闲导致数据包丢失。要求实例重启。
AWS 提供了许多用于优化 EC2 实例的工具,例如: AWS Trusted Advisor AWS Cost Explorer AWS Compute Optimizer 这些工具可帮助 CSP(电信运营商)和 NFV 提供商选择最佳 EC2 实例类型以节省成本。 ENA(Elastic Network Adapter) ENA(Elastic Network Adapter)是一种 Network Optimized Instance EC2(网络优化型的 EC2),...
EC2 user data is used to automate boot tasks such as:Installing updatesInstalling softwareDownloading common files from the internetAnything you can think of The EC2 User Data Script runs with the root user EC2 instance types: example t2.micro is part of the AWS free tier (up to 750 hours...
You can launch EC2 instances from:A Public AMI: AWS providedYour own AMl: you make and maintain them yourselfAn AWS Marketplace AMl: an AMI someone else made (and potentially sells) AMI Process (from an EC2 instance) Start an EC2 instance and customize it ...
EC2实例存储 EC2 Instance Store •EBS卷是性能良好但“有限”的网络驱动器 •如果需要高性能硬件磁盘,请使用EC2实例存储 •更好的I/O性能 •EC2实例存储在停止时会丢失存储(短暂) •适用于缓冲区/缓存/暂存数据/临时内容 •如果硬件出现故障,数据丢失的风险 ...