EC2 Instance Types - General Purpose Great for a diversity of workloads such as web servers or code repositories Balance between:ComputeMemoryNetworking In the course, we will be using the t2.micro which is a General Purpose EC2 instance EC2 Instance Types - Compute Optimized Great for compute-...
"Action": [ "ec2:DescribeInstances", "ec2:DescribeVolumes", "ec2:DescribeInstanceTypes", "ec2:DescribeSnapshots", "ec2:CreateTags", "ec2:CreateSnapshots", "ec2:StopInstances" ], "Resource": "*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", ...
Leader node– If the use case requires a high number of concurrent small queries (data scanned less than a hundred Megabytes), Presto needs lots of CPU time. Therefore, a CPU-optimized EC2 instance type such as C5 is If the use case calls for a combination of large queries (data ...
/aws/service/neuron/dlami/pytorch-1.13/amazon-linux-2/latest/image_id \ --count 1 \ --instance-type inf2.48xlarge \ --key-name <my-key-pair> \ --security-groups <my-security-group> Use SSM parameters in EC2 launch templates You can also use SSM parameters directly...
4.2 EC2 instance type 按需实例(On-Demand Instances ) 按秒为启动的实例付费。 · Applications with spiky workloads are reasons to use on-demand, as on-demand can scale up and down quickly · on-demand instances are best for users with no initial payment ability ...
For a performance comparison of various Amazon EC2 instance types that have been tested with Tableau Server, see Tableau at the Speed of EC2(Link opens in a new window). Recommended specifications for a single production instance Component/ResourceAmazon Web Services CPU 16+ vCPU Operating System ...
CloudFormation Property Types CfnAppProps CfnBranchProps CfnDomainProps aws-cdk-lib.aws_amplifyuibuilder Overview Structs ActionParametersProperty ComponentBindingPropertiesValuePropertiesProperty ComponentBindingPropertiesValueProperty ComponentChildProperty ComponentConditionPropertyProperty ComponentDataConfigurationProperty ...
EC2 instances IP Addresses – must be private IPs Sticky Sessions (Session Affinity) It is possible to implement stickiness so that the same client is always redirected to the same instance behind a load balancer This works for Classic Load Balancers & Application Load Balancers ...
Amazon EC2 Instance Types Azure Virtual Machines AWS and Azure on-demand VMs bill per seconds used. Although AWS instance types and Azure VM sizes have similar categories, the exact RAM, CPU, and storage capabilities differ. For information about Azure VM sizes, see Azure VM sizes. VMware Clou...
AwsEc2ClientVpnEndpointDetails AwsEc2EipDetails AwsEc2InstanceDetails AwsEc2InstanceMetadataOptions AwsEc2InstanceMonitoringDetails AwsEc2InstanceNetworkInterfacesDetails AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataBlockDeviceMappingSetDetails AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataBlockDeviceMappingSetEbsDetails AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDataCapacityReservationSpecif...