A Recovery Instance is a replica of a Source Server running on EC2.Contents arn The ARN of the Recovery Instance. Type: String Length Constraints: Minimum length of 20. Maximum length of 2048. Pattern: ^arn:.{16,2044}$ Required: No dataReplicationInfo The Data Replication Info of the...
The recovery instance information page shows theInstance IDat the top. TheOverviewpanel provides an overview of the failback process, including: EC2 instance– the ID of the recovery instance in EC2. Choose theView in EC2option to open the AWS EC2 Console. ...
云上灾备中心解决方案通过提供云上灾备管理工具对 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) 实例进行迁移和保护,旨在 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 跨区域环境下,在源区域与目的区域之间建立 EC2 实例的数据实时复制机制,以应对始料未及的灾难并有效进行灾难恢复的过程。当需要进行灾难恢复时,于目的区域按照与...
亚马逊弹性块存储(EBS)卷支持内置加密,但默认情况下不加密。EBS Launch Configurations指定了可被Auto Scaling组用来配置Amazon EC2实例的Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling启动配置。加密整个EBS卷后,静态存储在卷上的数据、磁盘I/O、从该卷创建的快照以及EBS和EC2之间的传输中数据都将被加密。让您的数据保持静态加密可确保未...
Cost optimization in your AWS disaster recovery plan can be achieved through several strategies. Right Sizing ensures you're using the most cost-effective instances for your needs. Reserved Instances offer significant discounts for predictable workloads. Auto Scaling adjusts the number of Amazon EC2 in...
1) EC2 机型为X1.16xlarge自带Instance Storage SSD硬盘。 2) 实例上部署SAP HANA database应用。 3) 高可用通过Auto Recovery实现。 以下分别从EC2资源创建、Auto Recovery功能配置、SAP AutoStart功能配置三个方面进行具体操作过程的说明: 1) EC2 资源创建 ...
Amazon EC2 is a service that offers resizable and secure computing capacities in the cloud. It is a set of pre-defined instance profiles and VM configurations that lets you obtain compute power while simplifying provisioning processes. You can select your virtual server configurations from any pre-...
aws_ec2_instance_clone.sh - clones an AWS EC2 instance by creating an AMI from the original and then booting a new instance from the AMI with the same settings as the original instance. Useful to testing risky things on a separate EC2 instance, such as Server Administrator recovery of Table...
在每个EC2实例上安装Amazon CloudWatch代理并打开AWS ComputeOptimizer, 可以让解决方案架构师分析环境,并以经济高效的方式就EC2实例的大小提出建议。 AWSCompute Optimizer分析实例的利用率,并为工作负载推荐最佳实例类型。此解决方案比创建仪表板并定期查看它,