高可用性(High Availability) 高可用性意味着在至少2个可用区中运行应用程序,在数据中心出现问题的情况下保持系统可用 弹性负载均衡(Elastic Load Balancing) 负载均衡器相当于一个服务器,访问的流量转发给多个下游服务器. 当有多个用户访问EC2实例的时候负载均衡器可以平衡多个实例的负载 负载均衡器的好处 将负载分散到...
This post is part 1 of the two-part series ‘Enabling high availability of Amazon EC2 instances onAWS Outpostsservers’, providing you with code samples and considerations for implementing custom logic to automateAmazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) relaunch on Outposts servers...
ASG 可以通过 Group 内服务器平均 CPU 负载、进出带宽或者应用程序自定义的指标来控制 Group 内服务器数量的动态增长或者削减。比如:当集群平均 CPU 负载超过阈值,ASG 开始基于 AMI 创建更多的 EC2 服务器加入 ASG 来分担工作,直到 CPU 平均负载降到阈值内。 有了ASG 为基础,可以创建出一个充分利用弹性计算平台特...
在此章節,您可以找到為檔案閘道 VM 佈建硬體的組態指引。資 Amazon EC2 表中的執行個體大小和類型為範例,僅供參考。 若要獲得最佳效能,必須將快取磁碟大小調整到實際運作集合的大小。使用多個本機磁碟的快取,藉由平行存取資料提高寫入效能,並提高 IOPS。
ec2:RebootInstances on all instances ec2:StopInstances on all instances Create an AMI and capture snapshots of each of the EBS volumes from the instances you’re involving in this scenario as a backup. Covered high availability test scenarios For each test scenario, one goal is for them to b...
Use the Start VPC Wizard to setup base VPC public and private subnets in the same Availability Zone. Launch a EC2 instance web server based on the community AMI "Bitnami lampstack 1.2-3 Ubuntu 10.04 lts vpn", a 32-bit t1-micro. Storage is encrypted by default Tags associate custom-defined...
For more information, see Allocation strategies for Spot Instances in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. priceCapacityOptimized (recommended) Spot Fleet identifies the pools with the highest capacity availability for the number of instances that are launching. This means that we will request Spot ...
D. High availability Correct Answer: B Question #47Topic 1 Which of the following is the customer's responsibility under the AWS shared responsibility model? A. Patching underlying infrastructure B. Physical security C. Patching Amazon EC2 instances D. Patching network infrastructure Correct Answer: ...
The website is running on EC2 instances deployed across multiple Availability Zones with a Multi-AZ RDS MySQL Extra Large DB Instance. The site performs a high number of small reads and writes per second and relies on an eventual consistency model. After comprehensive tests you discover that ...
Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id S3BktName String The S3 Bucket that contains the uploaded Lambda zip files. You must specify correct bucket name. MgmtSubnetIds List Enter only one subnet per availability zone. If you select multiple subnets from a same availability ...