The business unit completed the migration of applications, databases, and Hadoop clusters in 4 months. Their immediate goal was to get out of their data centers as quickly as possible, followed by cost optimization and modernization. Although they expected greater upfront...
Discover, Explore, and Apply design approaches and cost optimization techniques for your AWS solutions to help save on cloud costs, and benefit the environment
You can use different types of EC2 instances that are optimised for different use cases ( AWS has the following naming convention: m5.2xlarge m: instance class 5: generation (AWS improves them over time) 2xlarge: size within the instance class EC...
AWS cost optimization involves reducing expenses associated with Amazon Web Services usage and maximizing the value of existing investments.
For server-level backups (AMI), we recommend using AWS Backup for optimal performance, cost, and manageability.Cost optimization recommendations Understanding the possible solutions for backing up SQL Server on Amazon EC2 is key to safeguarding your data, ensuring that you meet your backup nee...
Cost Optimization Hub 會分析特定定價折扣,以提供您成本效益的指標。方法是將每月成本最佳化機會的彙總預估節省金額除以攤銷後的每月 AWS 成本,不包括抵用金和退款。 對於與資源相關的建議,估計每月成本影響是估計 AWS 帳單在 730 小時期間的變化量 (365 * 24/12)。此預估會排除資源未執行的期間,以及如果您已在 ...
今年早些时候,我们发布了Cost Explorer 调整建议,它可帮助您确定未充分利用的Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)实例,您可以对同一系列中的这些实例进行缩减以节省资金。我们收到了很好的反馈,客户正在寻求更多建议,而不仅仅是在同一实例系列中缩减。 今天,我们宣布推出一项新服务来帮助您针对工作负载优化计算...
AWS cost saving and optimization focused knowledge base. Feel free to use our S3 Calculator, Lambda Calculator, Data Transfer Calculator and EC2 Calculator.
Cost optimization:针对KPI进行优化。例如修改ec2 instance的lifecycle policy,在一段时间的闲置后自动stop一个instance;调整账户权限、设置更好的部门quota,等等。措施可以宏观可以微观,具体问题具体分析。
You can use this feature when you want to give your EC2 instances the same level of performance as the EBS volumes. This feature requires additional cost, however. That’s why we suggest you also make sure to to optimize EC2 and EBS costs by monitoring their performance. The following ...