hi please help, I setup SQL Server Cluster on EC2, may I know what is the SQL Server Cluster port number that I need allow in security group when windows firewall is enable? I been allow port TCP 135,1433,3343 UDP 137,3343 but is still failed to
if you want to allow HTTPS services to be available on your EC2, then this means that you will have to open up port number 443. After that, you will have to give open access to all “IP addresses” to access your instance using the port you have just opened....
EC2 Service Discovery uses the EC2 instance private IP Address by default to scrape Prometheus metric. In order for ADOT collector to successfully scrape EC2 instances in VPC make sure you allowingresstraffic on port to scrape metrics under security group ass...
好久没更新了,主要是不知道写些啥。最近在玩AWS EC2发现了一个小问题。 虽然默认给了IPv6但是你还...
解决办法如下: 1.根据官网提供的方法登录连接到EC2服务器(官网推荐widows用户使用PUTTY连接) 主机...
{"Fn: │ Allow │ s3:GetBucket* │ AWS:${ec2Role}│││ :Sub":"cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AW ││ s3:GetObject* │││ S::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}"}││ s3:List* │││ arn:${AWS::Partition}:s3:::{"Fn: │││ :Sub":"cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AW │││ S:...
ec2.Port.tcp(80), "allow public http access" ); const asset = new assets.Asset(this, "Asset", { path: path.join(__dirname, "../", "ec2-config", "configure.sh"), }); const ec2Instance = new ec2.Instance(this, "Instance", { ...
错误消息:“ssh: connect to host ec2-X-X-X-X.compute-1.amazonaws.com port 22: Connection timed out”。这条错误消息来自 SSH 客户端。该错误表示服务器没有响应客户端,因此客户端程序放弃了(超时)。以下是此错误的常见原因: 安全组或网络 ACL 不允许访问。 实例的操作系统上有防火墙。 客户端和服务器...
Kérdés: Módosításokat kell végeznem, mielőtt migrálnám az AWS virtuális gépeimet az Azure-ba? Válasz: Előfordulhat, hogy az EC2 virtuális gépek Azure-ba való migrálása előtt a következő módosításokat kell végrehajtania:...
AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry Icmp PortRange AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAccessScope AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAnalysis AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsPath AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfaceAttachment AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfacePermission AWS::EC2::Network...