EC2 会一直保持在 wait 状态,直到自定义动作完成,或者超时(默认 1 小时),然后 EC2 转为“Terminating:Proceed”状态,进而终结 EC2 终结(terminated) 3. lifecycle hooks 目标 service 我们可以用 lifecycle hooks 发送 notification 到以下 AWS 服务 Amazon EventBridge SNS SQS 以前的标准操作是把 lifecycle hooks no...
这将返回实例的当前状态,如果实例已成功终止,则应返回 "terminated"。更改实例类型停止EC2 实例 在更改实例类型之前,您需要先停止实例。 aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids 'i-1234567890abcdef0' 确认实例完全停止。您可以使用以下命令检查实例状态: aws ec2 describe-instances \ --instance-ids 'i-12345678...
--endpointsnowballEndpoint– 可讓您使用 Amazon EC2相容API操作以程式設計方式管理運算執行個體的值。如需詳細資訊,請參閱將 EC2相容的端點指定為 Snow Family 裝置上的 AWS CLI 端點。 delete-security-group– 刪除安全群組。 如果您嘗試刪除的安全群組與執行個體相關聯,或其為另一個安全群組所參考的對象,則該操...
Forinstantfleets, EC2 Fleet must terminate the instances when the fleet is deleted. Up to 1000 instances can be terminated in a single request to deleteinstantfleets. A deletedinstantfleet with running instances is not supported. Restrictions You can delete up to 25 fleets of typeinstantin a ...
When an EC2 instance is stopped, the instance performs a normal shutdown. All of the Amazon EBS volumes remain attached. When an instance is terminated, the instance performs a normal shutdown. The root device volume is deleted by default. You can change the default behavior to ensure that ...
Use case: preserve root volume when instance is terminated EBS Snapshots EBS Snapshots Make a backup (snapshot) of your EBS volume at a point in time Not necessary to detach volume to do snapshot, but recommended Can copy snapshots across AZ or Region ...
Develop a custom AWS CLI script to launch the EC2 instances, each with an attached ENI, a unique name and placed in a specific AZ. Replace the missing EC2 instance by running the script via AWS CloudShell in the event that one of the instances in the cluster got rebooted or terminated....
can be interrupted soon. Node Termination Handler supports AZ Rebalance Recommendation only in Queue Processor mode using ASG Lifecycle Hooks. For AZ rebalances the instances are just terminated, using Lifecycle Hooks and EventBridge rule forEC2 Instance-terminate Lifecycle Actionwe can handle OD ...
EC2 client No EC2 client The EC2 client Availability zone Yes Text value Specifies the availability zone, a region code followed by a letter identifier Instance state N/A Pending, All, Unknown, Running, Shutting down, Terminated, Stopping, Stopped All The state of the instance (pending, running...
sqlCREATEEXTERNALTABLEIFNOTEXISTSyour_table_name(column1 datatype1,column2 datatype2,...)ROWFORMAT DELIMITEDFIELDSTERMINATEDBY','LOCATION's3://your-bucket-name/your-folder-path/'; SQL Replaceyour_table_namewith the desired name for your table, specify the column names and their cor...