Creates an SSH Key for the requesting user in the specified project. Users who are Project Admins of or Researchers in the specified project can access this API. The route to invoke is POST /projects/:projectId/sshKeys where :projectId is the ID of the p
SSH key pair format. The public key must be in thePUBformat, and the private key must be in thePPKformat. On Windows, you can use PuTTYgen to create an SSH key pair in the appropriate formats. You can also use PuTTYgen to convert a private key generated usingssh-keygento a.ppkfile...
aws ec2 import-key-pair --key-name "k8s" --public-key-material fileb://~/.ssh/ 2.4 准备Flink节点权限 生成策略文件: cat <<EoF > flink-policy.json { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "kinesis:*", "firehose:*", "kinesisan...
i、 单击“启动Launch”按钮后,系统会像下面那样弹出一个窗口以创建“密钥对”:选择选项“创建密钥对create a new key pair”,并给密钥对起个名字,然后下载下来。在使用 ssh 连接到服务器时,需要此密钥对。***,单击“启动实例Launch Instance”按钮。 Create Key pair j、 点击“启动实例Launch Instance”按钮后...
一、生成一对public/private的key 1.windows下puttygen.exe生成 puttygen.exe public-key 2.linux下ssh-keygen Generating a new SSH key Open Terminal.Paste the text below, substituting in your GitHub email...
Create a Workspace Create an SSH key Install Kubernetes Tools Create an IAM role for your Workspace Attach the IAM role to your Workspace Update IAM settings for your Workspace Install eksctl Note: 前置条件过程请参考AWS EKS官方workshop: ...
ssh.private-key-files</name> <value>/root/.ssh/id_rsa</value> </property> <property> <name>dfs.journalnode.edits.dir</name> <value>/app/data/hadoop-3.3.1/journalnode/local/data</value> </property> <property> <name>dfs.ha.nn.not-become-active-in-safemode</name> <value>true</...
选择Create key pair (创建密钥对)。 对于Name (名称),输入密钥对的描述性名称。Amazon EC2 将公有密钥与您指定作为密钥名称的名称相关联。密钥名称最多可包含 255 个 ASCII 字符。它不能包含前导空格或尾随空格。 对于File format (文件格式),选择要保存私有密钥的格式。要以可与 OpenSSH 一起使用的格式保存...
我把密钥保存在$HOME的.ssh目录。我通常将密钥复制到这里,重命名它的后缀为.pem,并且只有我才能访问(即chmod 400 ~/.ssh/bookuser-ireland-key.pem)。 创建一个EC2实例 做完了所有的配置,现在可以创建第一个虚拟机了。从我们选择的地理区域开始(记得为每个创建密钥),然后登陆运行的实例。我们现在只是用网页控制...
创建lightsail的linux server时已经生成SSHkey,建立Windows的实例(Instance)时,并未提示输入管理员密码。登录时,找密码登录,提示 “Decipher your password You used the "keyname" key when you created this instance. See the instructions to decipher the password from the CLI(