从源数据库实例创建只读副本1、登录AWS Management Console并通过以下网址打开 Amazon RDS 控制台:https://console.aws.amazon.com/rds/2、在导航窗格中,选择 Databases (数据库)。3、选择要作为只读副本源的数据库实例。4、对于 Actions (操作),选择Createreadreplica (创建只读副本)。5、对于数据库实例标识符,输...
在Create read replica DB instance页面,选择Destination region为灾备区域, 选择Destination DB subnet group为db-group(在 basic 模板中自动创建) 根据需要,选择instance class和Multi-AZ deployment 在Settings中DB instance identifier中输入数据库实例名称 其他设置保持默认, 选择Create read replica,等待灾备区域的数...
综上所述,AWS RDS MySQL的Read Replica主要用于提升读取性能和扩展性,而Multi-AZ部署中的备用实例则主要用于提供高可用性和故障转移能力。虽然“Standby”一词在AWS RDS的官方文档中不常直接用于描述特定服务,但我们可以将其理解为Multi-AZ部署中备用实例的一个简化表述。在实际应用中,您可以根据具体需求选择使用Rea...
With Amazon RDS, you can create a read replica in a different AWS Region from the source DB instance. You create a read replica in a different AWS Region to do the following: Improve your disaster recovery capabilities. Scale read operations into an AWS Region closer to your users. Make it...
下面命令,是aws cli连接到cn-north-1(北京),远程调同账号下的cn-northwest-1(宁夏)的数据库testdb,创建replica到北京。 测试为目的,更多可选参数,我没有添加,计划后续通过控制台修改。 aws rds create-db-instance-read-replica \ --db-instance-identifier cli-create-xx \ ...
For Replica source, enter your source DB instance. In this example, we use the existing RDS Custom for Oracle instance orcl1 in the Singapore Region as the source to create our read replica. For DB instance identifier, enter your DB instance (for this post, orcl2). Choose the...
ReadReplicaDBInstanceIdentifiers -> (list)The identifiers of the read replicas associated with this DB instance. (string)ReadReplicaDBClusterIdentifiers -> (list)The identifiers of Aurora DB clusters to which the RDS DB instance is replicated as a read replica. For example, when you create an ...
When you create a read replica, you first specify an existing DB instance as the source. Then Amazon RDS takes a snapshot of the source instance and creates a read-only instance from the snapshot. As a result, you experience a brief I/O suspension on your source DB instance while the ...
Applications must update the connection string to leverage readreplicas RDS Read Replicas - Use Cases You have a production database that is taking on normal load You want to run a reporting application to run some analytics You create a Read Replica to run the new workload there ...
在Create DB instance页面,选择 Destination DB subnet group 为 db-group(在 basic 模板中自动创建) 根据需要,vpc为DR(在 basic 模板中自动创建) 并根据需要选择instance class 在Settings 中 DB instance identifier 中输入数据库实例名称 其他设置保持默认, 选择还原数据库实例,等待灾备区域的数据库实例启动完成 ...