1、 创建一个 EC2(虚拟机)实例:在开始安装系统之前,你必须在 AWS 中创建一台虚拟机。要创建虚拟机,在“计算compute”菜单下点击 EC2: Create an EC2 instance 2、 现在在创建实例Create instance下点击“启动实例”Launch Instance按钮。 Launch the EC2 instance 3、 现在,当你使用的是一个 “Free Tier” 帐...
在這種情況下,您的物件將代表您的虛擬裝置,即此 Amazon EC2執行個體。 在Amazon EC2 Instance Connect 視窗中,執行下列命令來建立物件物件。 aws iot create-thing --thing-name "MyIotThing" JSON 回應應該如下所示: { "thingArn": "arn:aws:iot:your-region:your-aws-account:thing/MyIotThing", "thing...
// Load the AWS SDK for Node.jsvarAWS =require("aws-sdk");// Load credentials and set region from JSON fileAWS.config.update({region:"REGION"});// Create EC2 service objectvarec2 =newAWS.EC2({apiVersion:"2016-11-15"});// AMI is amzn-ami-2011.09.1.x86_64-ebsvarinstanceParams ...
Launch a secure EC2 (Elastic Cloud Compute) instance within a VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) Manage an EBS volume Instructions: Step 1. Create a VPC From the AWS Management Console page, select the VPC service. Use the Launch VPC Wizard to create a VPC with a Single Public Subnet. You can...
Here’s how you specify tags when you launch an EC2 instance (theCostCenterandSaveSnapshotFlagtags are also set on any EBS volumes created when the instance is launched): To learn more, readUsing Tags. Resource-Level Permissions CreateTagsandDeleteTagsnow support IAM’s resource-level permission...
We’ve added a new EC2 instance type to our repertoire. It is called the High Memory Extra Large (m2.xlarge) and has the following specs: 17.1 GB of RAM. 420 GB of local storage. 64-bit platform. 6.5 ECU (EC2 Compute Units), 2 virtual cores each with 3.25 ECU. You can leverage...
定义get_ec2_instance_info()函数,用于获取 EC2 实例信息: 创建EC2 客户端。 获取所有运行中的实例信息。 使用defaultdict统计每种实例类型的实例数量。 获取预留实例信息。 计算每种实例类型的预留实例信息,包括实例数量、预留实例数量、需要增加的预留实例数量和多余的预留实例数量。
echo "InstanceId: $instance_id" #为EC2添加tag echo "Add tags: Name:$1, Category:$2" aws ec2 create-tags --resources $instance_id --tags Key=Name,Value="$1" Key=Category,Value="$2" } run_instance "test" "test" 1. 2.
AMI Process (from an EC2 instance) Start an EC2 instance and customize it Stop the instance (for data integrity) Build an AMI - this will also create EBS snapshots Launch instances from other AMIs EC2 Instance Store EC2 Instance Store
],"CreateDate":"2021-12-03T06:53:01Z","InstanceProfileName":"DEV_PROFILE","Path":"/","Arn":"arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxx:instance-profile/DEV_PROFILE"} } Associate the IAM Instance profile with EC2 instance ID: aws ec2 associate-iam-instance-profile --instance-id<LAB_WEB_SERVER_INSTANCE...