点击菜单负载均衡-》负载均衡器,在工作区下拉菜单中,选择“Create Application Load Balancer”,点击进入创建ALB详细页面。 Basic configuration Load balancer name:输入ALB的名称,如test-alb Scheme:选择Internet-facing IP address type:选择IPv4 Network mapping vpn:选择默认值 Mapping: 注意AWS要求必须选择至少2个可用...
创建ALB 在“Load balancing - optional”块中,点击“Add a new load balancer”,做如下配置 Load balancer type:选择Application Load Balancer Load balancer scheme:选择Internet-facing Availability Zones and subnets:选择和Auto scaling group同样的三个subnet Default routing(forward to):选择“Create a target”...
B. Configure AWS CloudTrail with an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notification that occurs when updated logs are sent to Amazon S3. Use Amazon Athena to create a new table and to query on CreateImage when an API call is detected. C. Create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon Clo...
create the service modules, OR perhaps the AWS API returns the ARN immediately even though the ALB is not actually 'ready' yet (similar to IAM resources), and thus maybe terraform needs a pause\retry behavior to ensure the ALB is 'ready' before proceeding or allowing its outputs to be ...
VPC 界面选择“Subnets”,点击“Create Subnet” 图17 选择上面建好的 VPC“tstest”,给 Subnet1 名称,选择 AZ,设置子网网段,然后点击“Add new subnet” 图18 填写第二个 Subnet 的信息,然后点击“Create subnet” 图19 两个Subnet 创建成功 图20 我们先把上面的信息记下来 我们在 AWS 中国北京区(cn...
点击Tasks链接,并点击Create new task按钮 在Create a new task页面需要填入如下信息:Name可以填入handball,增加一个标签person,并点击Connected file share链接 在Connected file share这个页面中所有的媒资文件都是存放在我们CloudFormation创建的EFS共享存储中,实现我们通过Fargate Task已经将S3上的demo数据复制到共享...
Create a new file named ingress_alb.yaml in the ~/ekspromxy/promxy/deploy/k8s/helm-charts/promxy/templates directory, which defines the application load balancer ingress resource: {{- if .Values.ingress_alb.enabled }} apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 kind: Ingress...
Just specify the name or the ARN of the application load balancer in thehttp.albfield, and Copilot will figure out whether it has an HTTP listener, an HTTPS listener, or both. Copilot will then create listener rules on the listeners it finds, and optionally upserts A records for your al...
D、将AmazonCloudWatch规则附加到Create_newuser事件以使用适当的要求设 置密码. 答案:A 45.—家公司正在将其本地OracIe数据库迁移到AmazonAuroraPostgreSQL. 该数据库具有写入相同表的多个应用程序.应用程序需要在每个迁移之间一个月 一次地进行迁移.管理层对数据库具有大量的读写操作表示担忧.在领带迁移期 间,数据必...