了解Cost Explorer 中的保留 存取保留建議 使用 定價計算器產生估算 入門AWS Pricing Calculator 了解AWS Pricing Calculator 概念 了解費率、折扣和購買承諾 設定成員帳戶的費率 工作負載預估 建立工作負載估算 新增服務 設定新服務 新增歷史用量 新增先前儲存的估算 ...
$4,728Total Cost $0.186Per GiB $9,533Total Cost View Breakdown * Region: US East , N.Virginia * TCO includes Storage, compute and license cost, it doesn’t include network costs * While the actual usage and metering for the products and services managed in BlueXP are always calculated ...
使用AWS 定价计算器,您可以为新的工作负载或对现有工作负载进行的更改创建方案,以获得包含折扣的估算费用。要开始使用,请使用账单与成本管理控制台,或者通过编程方式访问可用的 API,以定义您要估算的使用量。修改现有的工作负载时,将估算费用与原始费用基准进行比较,以提高对预期费用影响的认识。
AWS Pricing Calculator lets you create scenarios for new workloads or changes to existing workloads to get an estimated cost inclusive of discounts. Get started by using the Billing and Cost Management console or access programmatically an available API to define the usage you want estimated. When ...
了解Cost Explorer 中的预留 访问预留建议 使用定价计算器生成估算值 入门AWS Pricing Calculator 理解AWS Pricing Calculator 概念 了解费率、折扣和购买承诺 为会员账户设置费率 工作量估计 创建工作量估算 添加新服务 配置新服务 添加历史使用情况 添加之前保存的估算值 ...
AWSSDK.BCMPricingCalculator Initial release of the AWS Billing and Cost Management Pricing Calculator API. AWSSDK.Bedrock Model Invocation logging added to enable or disable logs in customer account. Model listing and description support added. Provisioned Throughput feature added. Custom model suppor...
AWS Pricing Calculator lets you explore AWS services, and create an estimate for the cost of your use cases on AWS.
TCO calculator AWS simple calculator Cost Explorer What basic support in AWS includes? 24x7 customer service Trusted Advisor AWS personal Health Dashoard How are EC2 instances billed? What AWS Pricing Calculator is used for? What is Amazon Connect? Amazon definition: "Amazon Connect is an eas...
1. 在 https://calculator.aws/#/ 打开 AWS 定价计算器。 2. 在要分配到区域的组中,对于操作 ,选择编辑区域。 3. 选择要将该组分配到的区域。 4. 选择应用。 生成 Amazon EC2 估计值 可以使用两种方法生成 Amazon EC2 估计值:快速估计路径和高级估计路径。可以使用快速估计路径快速得 出粗略的估计值。
For a custom analysis of what migration with this tool might cost, you can check outAmazon’s TCO calculator. Supports widely used databases AWS Database Migration Service can migrate data between most commonly used databases. You can use it to easily move databases between platforms or to migra...