AWS configure 配置region出现错误 当配置region的时候,拼写错误,无法修改。导致使用s3下载后直接报错。 修改region的命令: aws configure --region cn-northwest-1 1. 参考AWS的文档:
3. 执行“aws configure”,设置IAM用户API访问密钥和默认区域名,默认区域可以为任一海外区域。 f45c89a82b15:cert weimen$ aws configure AWS Access Key ID [***6ZXA]: AWS Secret Access Key [***NOLI]: Default region name [us-east-1]: Default output format [json]: 4. 如果还没有CA签发的SSL...
1$ sudo apt install awscli 安装结束后,就可以使用aws configure命令进行设置: 代码语言:javascript 复制 1$ aws configure 2AWS Access KeyID[None]:***3AWS Secret Access Key[None]:***4Default region name[None]:us-east-15Default output format[None]:json 这里需要输入上一步保存下来的Access Key I...
TheAWS Management Console for the AWS GovCloud (US) Regionprovides an easy-to-use graphical interface to manage your compute, storage, and other cloud resources. Most AWS products can be used with the console, and the console supports the majority of functionality for each service. You can sig...
-ne 0 ] then exit 255 fi # Get the region defined in the current configuration (default to us-west-2 if none defined) REGION=$(aws configure get region) REGION=${REGION:-us-west-2} FULLNAME="${ACCOUNT}.dkr.ecr.${REGION}${IMAGE}:latest" # If the repository does...
$ aws configure 输入你的用户的 ID 和密钥。在提示时,将区域和输出格式留空。现在你应该已经设置好并连接上了。现在让我们来检查一下存储桶,并通过列出 S3 存储桶的内容来验证内容: $ aws s3 ls s3:// 现在你应该能够看到你创建的存储桶以 Linux 类型的格式列出。在我们继续之前,让我们分解这个命令,这样...
1. Configure SageMaker Domain 配置 SM域 这里我选择快速设置,为单个用户配置一个快速的SM环境。 给它设定一个个性化的名字,并创建一个新的角色。 并允许这个新建的IAM角色,可以访问任何的 S3 bucket。 成功地创建了要给 IAM 角色。 点击提交。 自动跳回到控制面板。
(Private virtual interface only) Connection For connecting to a VPC in the same AWS Region, you need the virtual private gateway for your VPC. The ASN for the Amazon side of the BGP session is inherited from the virtual private gateway. When you create a virtual private gateway, you can ...
$ aws configure AWS Access Key ID: MYACCESSKEY AWS Secret Access Key: MYSECRETKEY Default region name [us-west-2]: us-west-2 Default output format [None]: json To use environment variables, do the following: $ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key> $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<sec...
On theConfigure this softwarepage, enter the following details: Fulfillment option—APIC on AWS Deployment Scenariois displayed (auto-populated). Software version—the APIC software version, 6.0(2h), is displayed (auto-populated). Region—select the required region (where the software is being deplo...