com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfilesConfigFile public class ProfilesConfigFile extends Object Loads the local AWS credential profiles from the standard location (~/.aws/credentials), which can be easily overridden through the AWS_CREDENTIAL_PROFILES_FILE environment variable or by specifying an alternate...
共享config文件services节中的endpoint_url设置提供的特定于服务的端点值。 共享config文件的profile中的endpoint_url设置提供的值。 use_dualstack_endpoint、use_fips_endpoint和endpoint_url设置。 最后使用相应的 AWS 服务的任何默认端点 URL。有关每个区域可用的标准服务端点的列表,请参阅《Amazon Web Services 一般...
[DEBUG] 2024-01-03 17:47:49.044 FileSystemUtils [0x30c6f4000] Environment value for variable HOME is ~/Library/Containers/com.myapp/Data [DEBUG] 2024-01-03 17:47:49.044 FileSystemUtils [0x30c6f4000] Home directory is missing the final / appending one to normalize [DEBUG] 2024-01-03 17...
首先是学习维护成本:Freewheel核心业务系统的微服务架构使用GO技术栈,与Apollo使用的Java不一致,工程师团队需要投入额外的学习成本;使用Apollo还需要在AWS上维护四套非云原生的服务:Config Service、Admin Service、Portal和DB,由于缺乏产品级的Apollo技术支持,会产生较大的维护成本。其次是产品国际化的问题...
File: .aws/config [default]region=us-east-1credential_process=/home/mile/.aws/aws_signing_helper credential-process \--certificate/app/device.crt--private-key/app/device.key\--trust-anchor-arn arn:aws:rolesanywhere:region:account:trust-anchor/TA_ID\--profile-a...
Code Issues Pull requests awsprofile is library of parse to ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config . aws aws-cli aws-profile Updated Nov 1, 2019 Go perry-mitchell / aws-get-credentials Sponsor Star 3 Code Issues Pull requests Create an AWS credentials instance from local credentials ...
Profile Property Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Aspire.Hosting.AWS Assembly: Aspire.Hosting.AWS.dll Package: Aspire.Hosting.AWS v8.0.1-preview.8.24267.1 Source: IAWSSDKConfig.cs The AWS credential profile to use for resolving credentials to make AWS service API calls. C# Copy ...
variable "profile" { type = string } variable "main-region" { type = string } vpc子模块输出变量,vpc子模块创建成功后,可以读取vpc相关信息,供上层或其他模块调用时读取 output "vpc_id" { description = "The ID of the VPC"
S3BucketLoggingConfig PublicAccessBlockConfiguration12 hours Note (Optional) SelectManagement accountto create a connector to a management account. Connectors are then created for each member account discovered under the provided management account. Auto-provisioning is also enabled for all of the newly ...