headers the user's identity token provisionedfromthe user pool.API Gateway then validates the token to ensure it belongs to the configured user poolandauthenticates the caller before passing the request to the backend.To integrate an APIwiththe Amazon Cognito identity provider,you,asan API develope...
目前ES内置的Kibana不支持IAM,对于Kibana的访问控制主要有两个方面:在VPC内访问可以通过安全组进行控制,在VPC外访问可以通过结合Amazon Cognito的User Pool和Identity Pool来进行身份验证或者使用基于IP的策略。 由于AWS中国区目前还不支持Cognito User Pool,因此需要在VPC外进行公开访问只能通过基于IP的策略来进行控制...
OAuth Access Token Endpointhttps://{cognito-app-domain}/oauth2/token OAuth Get User Info Endpoint (optional)https://{cognito-app-domain}/oauth2/userInfo Client IDFrom above step Client secretFrom above step Scopeopenid email phone profile ...
一种是前端解析cognito生成的 JWT token,将用户的cognito:group信息直接传给API Gateway,API Gateway Authorization Lambda通过对group信息的条件判断决定是否allow访问,仅允许本组成员访问本组资源,若为其他组成员,拒绝访问(您也可以将此值换成其他的attribute); 另一种方式是将cognito生成的JWT token传递给后端,后端通...
而国产的 Authing 可以解决使用 Cognito 的诸多问题,先看一下 Authing 的介绍: Authing 是一个身份认证服务商,其提供了企业级身份认证和管理解决方案,客户分布教育、IoT、互联网和电商等多个行业。 Lambda 是一个由 AWS 提供的 Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) 平台 。Lambda 和 AWS 生态结合的非常紧密,接入 Lamb...
AWSCognito.config.region='us-east-1';varpoolData={UserPoolId:'us-east-1_QCvfU0mg1',ClientId:'7c6ckhcg4g83u815c9pv0ojc8f'// endpoint:'apigateway.us-east-1.amazonaws.com'};varuserPool=newAWSCognito.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.CognitoUserPool(poolData);varuserData={Username:'apptest12...
Describe the bug OS: macOS Sonoma 14.2 AWS sdk is unable to connect to any endpoint (Cognito and Lambda endpoints for example). Expected Behavior The sdk successfully connects to endpoints. Current Behavior Connection fails with Curl htt...
Amazon Cognito publishes events to the Amazon Pinpoint project that ApplicationArn declares. You can also configure your application to pass an endpoint ID in the AnalyticsMetadata parameter of sign-in operations. The endpoint ID is information about the destination for push notifications R...