Amazon Cognito Developer Guide What is Amazon Cognito? Terms and concepts Getting started with AWS Getting started with user pools Your first app and user pool Other application options Next steps Add a social provider Add a SAML IdP Getting started with identity pools ...
利用SDK访问IdP,并利用它进行身份识别和授权 IdP认证成功后会回传一个OAuth或OpenID Connect给Cognito,Cognito会给用户返回一个新的Cognito ID以及一组临时AWS凭证 Cognito 作为代理,需要创建一个身份池,用于AWS账户中特定的用户信息存储,即角色和权限 Cognito会有限的创建新角色对AWS资源进行访问,而最终用户实际只能访问...
@Generated("") @ThreadSafe public interface CognitoIdentityProviderClient extends AwsClient Service client for accessing Amazon Cognito Identity Provider. This can be created using the static builder() method. With the Amazon Cognito user ...
<openid-connect-provider-domain>是用户在 OIDC 的domain. 需要在 Cognito Identity Pool 中提前配置。该用户在下一次调用这个接口的时候,会返回相同的 Identity ID. 如果使用的 AWS China Region, 则 API 地址为https://cognito-identity.{region}, 如果使用的是 AWS Global Region, 则 API...
(providerNames.length==0){console.log("There are no SAML providers in this Cognito user pool. ID : "+cognitoUPID);}for(letproviderofproviderNames){describeIdentityProviderParams.ProviderName=provider;constdescProviderResp=awaitcognitoidentityserviceprovider.describeIdentityProvide...
Cognito 作为代理,需要创建一个身份池,用于AWS账户中特定的用户信息存储,即角色和权限 Cognito会有限的创建新角色对AWS资源进行访问,而最终用户实际只能访问到Cognito Sync服务和Mobile Analytics服务 Cognito利用客户端SDK管理本地的SQLite存储作为读写缓存,并异步同步到云端, ...
AWS Cognito包含User Pool和Identity Pool两个产品。基于User Pool可以快速实现一套用户系统。Identity Pool用于实现联合身份认证。User Pool跟Identity Pool的关系如下面几张图所示。 image.png image.png image.png 通过AWS labs的demo可以体验Cognito的主要功能,github地址:
With Cloud Provider: Users are only responsible for configuring cloud services and code. 1.2 Six Advantages of Cloud Computing Trade capital expense for the variable expenses. No upfront cost Benefit from massive economies of scale. Stop guessing capacity. ...
<openid-connect-provider-domain>是用户在 OIDC 的domain. 需要在 Cognito Identity Pool 中提前配置。该用户在下一次调用这个接口的时候,会返回相同的 Identity ID. 如果使用的 AWS China Region, 则 API 地址为https://cognito-identity.{region}, 如果使用的是 AWS Global Region, 则 API...
Using Amazon Cognito for mobile apps Delegation The granting of permissions to someone to allow access to resources that you control. Trusting account:the account that owns the resource Trusted account:the account that contains the users that need to access the resource ...