APPLICATION_NAME} \ --deployment-group-name ${AWS_DEPLOYMENT_GROUP} \ --deployment-config-name CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime \ --s3-location bucket=${AWS_S3_BUCKET_CODE_PACKAGE},key=${APPLICATION_DIR}_${VERSION_NUMBER}.zip,bundleType=zip ''' result = sh returnStdout: true, script: DEPLOY...
In this tutorial, we'll use AWS CodeDeploy to deploy a sample application revision from GitHub to a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) instance. AWS CodeDeploy automates code deployments to Amazon EC2 instances. It deploys applications from Amazon S3 buckets and GitHub repositories. The following di...
自动化部署以消除手动操作 部署到多台主机 使用高级部署技术 监控运行状况和回滚 探索Amazon CodeCatalyst 这是一项统一的软件开发服务,可在 AWS 上快速构建、交付和扩展应用程序。 详细了解 CodeCatalyst 开始使用 CodeDeploy 功能页面 查看产品功能 更深入了解 AWS ...
After the application is deployed successfully, copy the application’s URL that can be found against your application’s name, and paste it in a web browser like Chrome or Safari. Congratulations! You've deployed a sample application and learned about the resources that spun up automatically. S...
CodeDeploy is a deployment service that automates application deployments to Amazon EC2 instances, on-premises instances, serverless Lambda functions, or Amazon ECS services. You can deploy a nearly unlimited variety of application content, including: Code Serverless AWS Lambda functions Web and confi...
It will create an environment for a sample application to run. What is an environment? An environment is the collection of AWS resources and permissions to allow your web application to run smoothly. The Elastic Beanstalk service manages the environment for us. ...
–> Deploy to Amazon Linux instances using CodeDeploy, download the sample application here: 3) Open Command Prompt and make sure you are in the SampleApp_Linux folder Run the following commands to stage all your files at once and commit the files with a commit message:...
Sample Response HTTP/1.1200OKx-amzn-RequestId:b8d39558-88cf-11f5-96e5-8bf4ee0ce84eContent-Type:application/x-amz-json-1.1Content-Length:30{"deploymentId":"d-IIMHK0NHC"} See Also For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: ...
下一步选择Source provider为Amazon CodeCommit,仓库名称选择之前创建好的aws-codepipeline-demo,分支选择main主分支。Change detection选用推荐默认的配置。 配置Source Stage 跳过build stage,进入步骤deploy stage,Deploy provider选择Amazon CodeDeploy,Application name选择之前创建好的DeploytoEC2-Demo,部署组选择DeploytoEC2...
Ref: C++ Code Samples for AWS Lambda Ref: Create a Highly Scalable Image Processing Service on AWS Lambda and API Gateway in 10 Minutes 一、Python版本效率 Ref: OPENCV: COMPARING THE SPEED OF C++ AND PYTHON CODE ON THE RASPBERRY PI FOR STEREO VISION Final comparison of frame capture speed ...