AWS Cloud Map namespace AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Namespace AWS Cloud Map AWS Cloud Map API activity on a service. AWS Cloud Map service AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service AWS CloudTrail CloudTrail PutAuditEvents activity on a CloudTrail Lake channel that is used to log events from outside AWS. Cloud...
AWS CloudTrial 或 Ali ActionTrial 2019/07/04 Chenxin aws CloudTrial 和 阿里云 ActionTrial AWS CloudTrial 默认就是开通的,还可以自己调配.文档参考官方. Aliyun ActionTrial 阿里云操作日志记录 开通ActionTrial 来实现对操作的记录和审计,能将操作日志保存到指定空间. 参考:
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In the Cost and Usage Report section, add the S3 Bucket Name and Report path you copied after deploying the AWS Bucket Access Policy Template. By default, Tanzu CloudHealth validates the read-only IAM policy with the us-east-1 AWS region. If you do not have acces...