Which of the following is NOT an advantage of cloud computing over on-premise computing? A. Pay for racking, stacking and powering servers B. Trade capital expense for variable expense C. Eliminate guessing on your infrastructure capacity needs D. Benefit from massive economies of scale increase ...
模考Practice Exam 考一次20刀。不建议花20刀去模考一次AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner,大家剩下的20刀可以留下模考AWS-SAA 网上的一些真题机经题库,答案对于AWS Cloud Practitioner 是足够用的。 StudyBlue-AWS Practictioner Certification https://www.studyblue.com/#flashcard/view/20429635 Quizlet --AWS Clo...
AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam - Study Guide 此学习集的词语(34) Load Balancer acts as the "___ ___". traffic cop Load Balancers Automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)instances, containers, and Internet Protocol (IP...
What Yan loves about AWS:The cloud has enabled a switch from capital expenditure (Capex) to operational expenditure (Opex). This has leveled the playing field, and smaller companies regularly disrupt markets that have been dominated by large incumbents. The speed of innovation and disruption is ge...
刷题的话可以参考:https://quizlet.com/euxyabe, https://mytodo.vip/,https://www.briefmenow.org/amazon/,https://www.lleicloud.com/index.php/aws-certified-solutions-architect-practice-tests/都是些不错的刷题连接,也可以自己去找题目刷。