by Kinnar Kumar Sen, Kyle Payne, Shaun Van Staden, and Antony Prasad Thevaraj on 17 SEP 2021 in Amazon EC2, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, Architecture, Auto Scaling, AWS CloudFormation, Customer Solutions Permalink Share Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud is elastic, convenient to use, easy...
A: Operational Excellence Q: Which pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework focuses on using computing resources in ways thatmeet system requirements? A: Performance Efficiency Advantages of cloud computing: Trade upfront expense for variable expense. Benefit from massive economies of scale. Stop ...
AWS 提供种类最广泛的计算实例、存储类、数据库和分析,所有这些都是专门为提供最佳成本和性能而设计的。其中包括最全面的人工智能和数据服务集,包括您选择的用于构建生成式人工智能应用程序的领先 FM。借助 AWS 将应用程序迁移到云,可以更快、更轻松、更经济地将应用程序迁移到云或构建您能想象的几乎任何东西。
如网络账户部分所述,将 AWS CloudFront 与 AWS Certifice Manager 配合使用,以保护通过互联网收集的动态数据。对于内部网络中动态的数据,请使用具有 AWS 私有证书颁发机构的 Application Load Balancer,如应用程序账户部分所述。AWS KMS 和 AWS CloudHSM 可帮助您提供加密密钥管理以保护静态数据。
This reference architecture provides a set of YAML templates for deploying microservices toAmazon EC2 Container Service (Amazon ECS)withAWS CloudFormation. You can launch this CloudFormation stack in your account: Overview The repository consists of a set of nested templates that deploy the following: ...
多年来,AWS 在支持客户使用 AWS Well-Architected Framework 设计云环境架构方面,以及进一步地使用 AWS Cloud Adoption Framework(AWS CAF)通过云技术来实现商业价值方面积累了丰富的经验,基于这些经验,AWS 制定了最佳实践指南。通过开展 Well-Architected Framework 审查,您可以了解人工智能、机器学习和生成式人工智能工作...
使用初始设置修改cloud-clustering/ftdv-cluster/lambda-python-files/Configuration.json。 例如: { "licenseCaps": ["BASE", "MALWARE", "THREAT"], "performanceTier": "FTDv50", "fmcIpforDeviceReg": "DONTRESOLVE", "RegistrationId": "cisco", ...
reliable, secure, efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable workloads in the cloud. It provides a way to consistently measure your architectures against best practices and identify areas for improvement. We believe that having well-architected workload greatly increases the likelihood of business ...
Micro-Service Architecture Microservices are one of the hallmark architectural evolutions of the cloud era, and a well-known approach to the ROC characteristic of modular design. The biggest benefit of microservices is right there in their name – they’re small and simple! By dividing your applic...
Architecture styles Design principles for Azure applications Technology choices Best practices for cloud applications Performance tuning and antipatterns Responsible engineering Architecture for SaaS and multitenancy Mission-critical applications Solutions across Microsoft platforms ...