平台视角:基础设施和应用程序 - AWS Cloud Adoption Framework 概览 (amazon.com) AWS CAF 平台视角功能 平台架构–建立和维护云环境的指导方针、原则、模式和防护机制。架构完善的云环境将帮助您加快实施、降低风险并推动云采用。在企业内部就企业标准达成共识,推动云的采用。定义最佳实践蓝图和防护机制,以促进身份验证...
AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF)利用 AWS 经验和最佳实践,通过创新性地使用 AWS 来帮助您实现数字化转型并加快业务成效。AWS CAF 确定了支撑成功云转型的具体组织能力。这些功能提供最佳实践指导,帮助您提高云就绪性。AWS CAF 将其功能分为六个方面:业务、人员、治理、平台、安全和运营。每个视角包含一组功...
AWS技术类白皮书-aws_cloud_adoption_framework.pdf,An Overview of the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework Version 2 February 2017 © 2017, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Notices This document is provided for informational purp
AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF)利用 AWS 经验和最佳实践,通过创新性地使用 AWS 来帮助您实现数字化转型并加快业务成效。AWS CAF 确定了支撑成功云转型的具体组织能力。这些功能提供最佳实践指导,帮助您提高云就绪性。AWS CAF 将其功能分为六个方面:业务、人员、治理、平台、安全和运营。每个视角包含一组功...
AWS 专业服务是一个由专家组成的全球团队,该团队通过一系列与 AWS CAF 一致的产品/服务来帮助您实现与云转型相关的特定成果。
CloudAdoptionFramework Version2 February2017 ©2017,AmazonWebServices,Inc.oritsaffiliates.Allrightsreserved. Notices Thisdocumentisprovidedforinformationalpurposesonly.ItrepresentsAWS’s currentproductofferingsandpracticesasofthedateofissueofthisdocument,
In this document, we outline the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework for Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and generative AI, a framework that describes a mental model for organizations that strive to generate business value from Artificial I
Introduction to the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) Free AWS Cloud Adoption Framework Course 4.8Beginner Level Unlock the potential of the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) with this comprehensive course that covers best practices, strategies, and tools for migrating to the AWS Environment. Learn...
The AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF) helps organizations understand how cloud adoption transforms the way they work, and it provides structure to identify and address gaps in skills and processes. Applying the AWS CAF in your organization results in an actionable plan with defined work ...
随着客户使用更大、更复杂的云采用形式,他们的云之旅也变得略微复杂了。 本系列文章整合了准备混合和多云采用方案所要考虑的各种技术和非技术事项。 本方案侧重实现两个目标结果: 混合和多云采用:构建、部署和/或迁移可移植的解决方案,可以轻松实现在云平台之间的迁移,同时最大限度减少对供应商的限制...