AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF)利用 AWS 经验和最佳实践,通过创新性地使用 AWS 来帮助您实现数字化转型并加快业务成效。AWS CAF 确定了支撑成功云转型的具体组织能力。这些功能提供最佳实践指导,帮助您提高云就绪性。AWS CAF 将其功能分为六个方面:业务、人员、治理、平台、安全和运营。每个视角包含一组功...
人员视角:文化与变革 - AWS Cloud Adoption Framework 概览 ( AWS CAF 人员视角功能 文化演变– 依据数字化转型愿望以及敏捷性、自主性、清晰度和可扩展性的最佳实践,评估、逐步发展组织文化和编集成典。要成功实施数字化转型,您需要利用自己的传统和核心价值观,同时融入新的行为和思维方式来吸引和留住人...
Introduction to AWS CAF-AI The AWS Cloud Adoption Framework for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and generative AI (CAF-AI) serves as both a starting point and a guide for your ongoing journey in AI, ML, and generative AI. This framework aims to inspire and inform your mid-term ...
AWS CAF 可以识别这些功能,并提供了规范性准则,全球数千家企业已成功利用这些准则来加快云转型历程。 AWS 和 AWS 合作伙伴网络提供的工具和服务可帮助您完成这个历程中的每一个步骤。AWS 专业服务是一个由专家组成的全球团队,该团队通过一系列与 AWS CAF 一致的产品/服务来帮助您实现与云转型相关的特定成果。
AWS CAF(AWS Cloud Adoption Framework) AWS提供的一套帮助企业或组织更好地迁移和采用AWS云服务的框架。在这个框架中,提供了多个视角,帮助企业评估、设计和实施AWS云服务。AWS CAF 提供了四个视角,分别是: Governance(治理) Development(开发) Operations(运维) ...
The AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF) helps organizations understand how cloud adoption transforms the way they work and provides structure to identify and address gaps in skills and processes. AWS Cloud Adoption Readiness Tool Set a path for cloud adoption success. The tool evaluates your clo...
Experienced with AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF) Accelerate Your Journey to AWS Cloud Organizations that operate in AWS cloud have taken the first step towards process transformation – and all the benefits it brings. Reduced costs, increased flexibility, superior insights, and intelligent autom...
The AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF) helps organizations understand how cloud adoption transforms the way they work, and it provides structure to identify and address gaps in skills and processes. Applying the AWS CAF in your organization results in an actionable plan with defined work ...
TheAWSCloudAdoptionFramework(AWSCAF)helpsorganizations understandhowcloudadoptiontransformsthewaytheywork,anditprovides structuretoidentifyandaddressgapsinskillsandprocesses.ApplyingtheAWS CAFinyourorganizationresultsinanactionableplanwithdefinedwork streamsthatcanguideyourorganization’spathtocloudadoption.This ...
Cloud Readiness Assessment 是关于公司中不同流程的长篇访谈,用于确定公司是否已准备好在云中生活。它基于 Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF),让我们了解应该更改哪些内容才能成功进行迁移。AWS 有一个涵盖所有这些的云就绪评估工具。我强烈建议您对考虑迁移的所有工作负载使用此过程。