這是AWS CDK v2 開發人員指南。較舊的 CDK v1 已於 2022 年 6 月 1 日進入維護,並於 2023 年 6 月 1 日結束支援。 本文為英文版的機器翻譯版本,如內容有任何歧義或不一致之處,概以英文版為準。 AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) 命令列界面 (AWS CDK CLI),也稱為 CDK Toolkit, 是與您的 ...
aws-cli This package provides a unified command line interface to Amazon Web Services. Jump to: Getting Started Getting Help More Resources Getting Started This README is for the AWS CLI version 1. If you are looking for information about the AWS CLI version 2, please visit thev2 branch. ...
You are viewing the documentation for an older major version of the AWS CLI (version 1). AWS CLI version 2, the latest major version of AWS CLI, is now stable and recommended for general use. To view this page for the AWS CLI version 2, clickhere. For more information see the AWS ...
aws_foreach_profile.sh - executes a templated command across all AWS named profiles configured in AWS CLIv2, replacing {profile} in each iteration. Combine with other scripts for powerful functionality, auditing, setup etc. eg. aws_kube_creds.sh to configure kubectl config to all EKS clusters...
F: Welche Versionen von Amazon Linux, Node.js, Python, JDK, .NET Core, SDKs und sonstigen Bibliotheken unterstützt AWS Lambda? F: Kann ich die Version von Amazon Linux oder einer anderen Language Runtime ändern? F: Wie kann ich Aufrufe der AWS Lambda-API aufzeichnen und prüfen?
An IAM identity that uses access keys to manage cloud resources via AWS CLI. IAM User Grant temporary access to your AWS resources. IAM Role Apply and easily manage the common access permissions to a large number of IAM users in AWS. IAM Group Grant the required permissions to access your ...
//docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/install-cliv2.html">AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) version 2 AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) version 2.86.0 or later Homebrew to install required packages for macOS or Linux A running EKS cluster. ...
AWS Amplify Libraryprovides Angular components and CLI support to work with AWS services. Known Limitations There are a few known limitations with the bundled TypeScript definitions at this time: Service client typings reflect the latestapiVersion, regardless of whichapiVersionis specified when creating...
AWS cli version 2,Win10 + terminal AWS Cli 简介 AWS Command Line Interface(AWS CLi)是 AWS 开源工具,允许用户以命令行的形式对 AWS 资源进行操作。 AWS CLi 可以实现 AWS 网页控制台一样的功能,而且有些 AWS 特性只能通过 AWS Cli 实现。
使用npm 可以轻松安装 CDK CLI。 npm install -g aws-cdk-lib 安装完成后执行 cdk --version 来验证安装,能看到类似如下输出。 2.18.0 (build 75c90fa) Bootstrap CDK 需要少量的 AWS 资源(例如 S3,ECR)才能运行,创建这些资源的步骤被称作 bootstrap。执行以下命令以进行 bootstrap。 export CDK_NEW_BO...