AWS_REGION The AWS SDK compatible environment variable that specifies the AWS Region to send the request to. If defined, this environment variable overrides the values in the environment variableAWS_DEFAULT_REGIONand the profile settingregion. You can override this environment variable by using the-...
AWS CodeBuild provides several environment variables that you can use in your build commands: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION The AWS Region where the build is running (for example, us-east-1). This environment variable is used primarily by the AWS CLI. AWS_REGION The AWS Region where the build is runn...
建议各位读者可先参阅本文下述的部署指引,使用 AWS 控制台 的方式进行第一次部署;而后如需同样地为其它AWS服务一键批量开启CloudWatch告警,可参照《Auto Create Customized CloudWatch Alarms – AWS CLI部署方式》,极大地缩短部署所需时间。 5. 部署指引 5.1 创建定制化告警信息推送端 – SNS 2 SNS 2用于将定制化的...
variable "main-region" { type = string } vpc子模块输出变量,vpc子模块创建成功后,可以读取vpc相关信息,供上层或其他模块调用时读取 output "vpc_id" { description = "The ID of the VPC" value = module.vpc.vpc_id } output "vpc_arn" { description = "The ARN of the VPC" value =...
Set the following environment variable: exportCLUSTER_NAME=[name of cluster] Bash Find the information needed to call the API and construct an API request. To do this, we’ll need a few pieces of information (if you have trouble with the following commands, you may need to specify a regi...
and place it in~/.aws/config(or in%UserProfile%\.aws\configon Windows). If you wish to place the config file in a different location than the one specified above, you need to tell the AWS CLI where to find it. Do this by setting the appropriate environment variable: ...
v0.9: Support forDEFAULT_REGIONenvironment variable v0.8: Switch to using edge port for all service endpoints by default v0.7: Apply runtime patch to aws-cli to enable--s3-endpoint-urlCloudFormation parameter v0.6: StartawsCLI command in-memory instead of calling external process ...
involve environment variables. If the AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED is problematic for you, you could also set AWS_DEFAULT_REGION or AWS_REGION to your region… Though honestly if having the env variable as true causes troubles later on, the best workaround I can think of is having something ...
R version 4.2.0 changed the way is initialized, so you must set an environment variable when using custom Docker clusters... Last updated: January 20th, 2023 by Atanu.Sarkar Apache Spark UI task logs intermittently return HTTP 500 error If the Spark property spark.databricks.ui...
Codes, dependencies, Runtime, Settings & Environment Variables are fixed for a specific version variable $latest point to the latest version of lambda function Lambda Aliases Alias is a pointer to a lambda version Could create aliases for different lambda version, such as DEV, STAGE, PROD for ...