Available Commands¶ associate-access-policy associate-encryption-config associate-identity-provider-config create-access-entry create-addon create-cluster create-eks-anywhere-subscription create-fargate-profile create-nodegroup create-pod-identity-association ...
Available Commands¶ associate-access-policy associate-encryption-config associate-identity-provider-config create-access-entry create-addon create-cluster create-eks-anywhere-subscription create-fargate-profile create-nodegroup create-pod-identity-association ...
unzip awscliv2.zip sudo ./aws/install 1. 2. 3. 安装EKSCTL 使用以下指令安装: # for ARM systems, set ARCH to: `arm64`, `armv6` or `armv7` ARCH=amd64 PLATFORM=$(uname -s)_$ARCH curl -sLO "https://github.com/eksctl-io/eksctl/releases/latest/download/eksctl_$PLATFORM.tar.gz"...
You can also respond to your operational events by directly issuing Amazon EKS CLI commands directly from your Microsoft Teams channel. This way, you can retrieve additional telemetry data, resource information, execute run-books to remediate the issues or even open a support case, as illustrated ...
Use case 1: Look for access to clusters Use the loot file commands to see if any of your compromised principals have access to any of the EKS clusters. This authorization check happens inside the cluster, so this is a case where brute force (seeing if you can access all of the clusters...
第一步:aws-cli安装方法(配置账密信息) 相关配置文件 命令行配置user-config信息aws configure vim ~/.aws/credentials #静态修改vim ~/.aws/config #静态修改 第二步:eksctl安装方法(eks命令行管理命令) 注意:eksctl默认使用aws账号创建相关资源,敲每一个命令时,谨慎严行!!
Set the custom_ami_id_amd64 parameter and the custom_ami_id_arm64 parameter inside the terraform/eks.tf file to the matching AMI-IDs from the output of Packer.To build the cluster, run the following commands on your CLI from inside the repository (you must confirm the last command):cd...
运行下列脚本安装实验所需的Kubernetes 工具:eksctl,kubectl,helm,jq,aws cli # create a folder for the scriptsmkdir~/environment/scripts# tools scriptcat>~/environment/scripts/install-tools<<-"EOF"#!/bin/bash -exsudo yum install-y jq gettext bash-completion# ...
zzh@ZZHPC:~$ aws eks update-kubeconfig --name zimple-bank --region ap-southeast-2Added new context arn:aws:eks:ap-southeast-2:793698357301:cluster/zimple-bank to /home/zzh/.kube/config zzh@ZZHPC:~$cat.kube/config Can find context in the output. ...
因为公司有用到S3,所以整理了一个S3的简单入门教程。当然,入门之后有其他更高级的用法需求,就靠自己去查文档了。入门的教程能让你快速上手,不至于翻阅一堆文档,容易被劝退。这里主要是介绍如何用cli去操作S3。 官方文档 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-services-s3-commands.html?tag=fso...