Copy Codejava-jar onelogin-aws-cli.jar--profile profilename In this case you can then instantly call the AWS CLI using the profile that you have just updated. Copy Codeaws ec2 describe-instances--profile profilename Using AWS Environment Variables For convenience you can simply copy and paste ...
先复制 B 账号 ”iam-role-ec2“ 的 Role ARN 回到A 账号下点击 ”“ 编辑 ”iam-role-iam-readonly“ 的 Trust relationships 将刚刚复制好的 B 账号上 ”iam-role-ec2“ 角色的 arn 替换到下图圈中的位置 4,登陆 B 账号上的EC2 虚机,通过切换角色,使用AWS CLI 获取 IAM RoleId 创建EC2 虚拟机,并且...
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/marketingadminrole source_profile = user1 1. 2. 3. 同账号带有 MFA 信息 [profile role-without-mfa] region = us-west-2 role_arn= arn:aws:iam::128716708097:role/cli-role source_profile=cli-user [profile role-with-mfa] region = us-west-2 role...
以下代码示例演示如何使用DescribeWorkspaceDirectories。 anchoranchor AWS CLI 描述已注册的目录 以下describe-workspace-directories示例描述指定的注册目录。 aws workspaces describe-workspace-directories \ --directory-idsd-926722edaf 输出: {"Directories": [{"DirectoryId": "d-926722edaf",...
这里笔者主要讲,如何使用aws cli方式的命令行将policy策略attach添加到指定的role当中,命令如下: aws --profile 123 iam attach-role-policy --role-name Autops-AssumeRole-Core --policy-arn arn:aws-cn:iam::123456789215:policy/policy-operator-role-2023-03-31 ...
如需AWS SDK 開發人員指南和程式碼範例的完整清單,請參閱AWS 支援 搭配 AWS SDK 使用。此主題也包含有關入門的資訊和舊版 SDK 的詳細資訊。 此頁面是否有幫助? 是 否 提供意見回饋 下一個主題: DescribeSeverityLevels 上一個主題: DescribeCommunications 需要協助? 嘗試AWS re:Post 與AWS IQ 專家聯絡...
安装AWS CLI $ sudo pip install awscli 1. 测试AWS CLI $ aws help 1. 输入q退出 配置AWS CLI 为了使用AWS CLI必须提供访问凭证且凭证提供者(User或Role)应具有相应的权限。 访问密钥/凭证 创建访问密钥 打开IAM 控制台 在导航中选择 Users 选择IAM 用户名称(不是复选框) ...
$aws ec2 describe-instances 2. 将新创建的IAM角色{YourNewRole}的实例配置文件{YourNewRole-Instance-Profile} 附加到您的EC2实例{YourInstanceId}。在命令行中执行以下命令: $aws ec2 associate-iam-instance-profile --instance-id {YourInstanceId} --iam-instance-profile Name={YourNewRole-Instance-Profile} ...
As the OWNER, create a role with an AWS account as the trusted entity. Specify the account id for the ACTOR here. For the purpose of testing, I used the policy AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess. This is available in the web interface and a bit harder with the CLI. ...
This role is named AWSServiceRoleForCloudTrail, and is required for CloudTrail to successfully log events for an organization. Log files for an account removed from the organization that were created prior to the account’s removal will still remain in the Amazon S3 bucket where log files are ...