describe-load-balancer-policy-types [--policy-type-names <value>] [--cli-input-json <value>] [--generate-cli-skeleton <value>] [--debug] [--endpoint-url <value>] [--no-verify-ssl] [--no-paginate] [--output <value>] [--query <value>] [--profile <value>] [--region <value...
describe-load-balancers --auto-scaling-group-name <value> [--cli-input-json <value>] [--starting-token <value>] [--page-size <value>] [--max-items <value>] [--generate-cli-skeleton <value>] [--debug] [--endpoint-url <value>] [--no-verify-ssl] [--no-paginate] [--output ...
LOAD_BALANCER=`aws elb describe-load-balancers--outputtext|grep$VPC_ID|awk'{ print $5 }'|cut-d--f1|xargs`forlbsin${LOAD_BALANCER[@]};doaws elb modify-load-balancer-attributes\--load-balancer-name$lbs\--load-balancer-attributes"{\"ConnectionSettings\":{\"IdleTimeout\"...
arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaExecute Describe / Alter RDS Attributes, Add Tags to RDS: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/aws-service-role/AWSApplicationAutoscalingRDSClusterPolicy 角色名称:lambdaExecRole-autoCreateCxCwAlarms_RDS 角色描述:Lambda execution role for Auto create customized CloudWatch alarms f...
72. How can you start an AWS Glue workflow run using AWS CLI? Using the start-workflow-run command of AWS CLI and passing the workflow name, one can start the Glue workflow. 73. What data sources does AWS Glue support? AWS Glue can integrate with more than 80 data sources on AWS, ...
"AdminPassword": "password","Hostname": "hostname","FirewallMode": "Routed","ManageLocally": "No","Cluster": {"CclSubnetRange": "ip_address_start ip_address_end","ClusterGroupName": "cluster_name",[For Gateway Load Balancer]"Geneve": "{Yes|No}",[For Gateway Load Ba...
使用npm 可以轻松安装 CDK CLI。 npm install -g aws-cdk-lib 安装完成后执行 cdk --version 来验证安装,能看到类似如下输出。 2.18.0 (build 75c90fa) Bootstrap CDK 需要少量的 AWS 资源(例如 S3,ECR)才能运行,创建这些资源的步骤被称作 bootstrap。执行以下命令以进行 bootstrap。 export CDK_NEW_BO...
This includes the ability to create, delete, modify, and describe Amazon QLDB ledgers. This also includes the ability to cryptographically verify documents and export the journal in a ledger. AWSSDK.QLDBSession Amazon QLDB introduces the SendCommand API to interact with data in Amazon QLDB ...
Application Load Balancer Listener, Target Group 自动生成配置文件 S3FS 自动挂载到 EC2 作为 WordPress 的 Media Library 准备工作 本文使用 AWS China Region, 如使用 AWS Global Region,需要修改镜像地址和 region 信息。 提前提升好 limits. 每一项 AWS 服务都有 limits,确保灾备切换时,能否启动足够的资源来支撑...
These articles describe: How to think about Azure capabilities coming from an AWS background. How Azure organizes accounts and resources. How the major Azure services differ from AWS services or how they are similar. Use the table of contents to select specific technology areas that are relevant...