您可以使用一条文件夹级命令执行多文件递归上传和下载。AWS CLI 将并列进行这些传输,以便获得更高的性能。 $ aws s3 cp myfolder s3://mybucket/myfolder --recursive upload: myfolder/file1.txt to s3://mybucket/myfolder/file1.txt upload: myfolder/subfolder/file1.txt to s3://mybucket/myfolder...
$ aws s3 sync myfolder s3://mybucket/myfolder --exclude *.tmp上传:myfolder/newfile.txt 到 s3://mybucket/myfolder/newfile.txt [同步本地文件时间戳最新] 官方帮助文档: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/s3/{cp,ls,mb,mv,presign,rb,rm,syncwebsite}.html 示例 #只上传以....
1# 创建一个名为 "folder" 的 "文件夹" aws s3 cp /path/to/file s3://my-bucket/folder/ 8. 上传文件夹 使用aws s3 sync 命令上传整个文件夹到S3存储桶: aws s3 sync /path/to/local/folder s3://my-bucket/path/in/s3/ 9. 下载文件夹 使用aws s3 sync 命令下载整个文件夹从S3存储桶到本地:...
使用AWS CLI 与S3 结合使用 列出存储桶 $ aws s3 ls 列出某个存储桶中的内容 $ aws s3 ls s3://my-bucket 上传文件到s3存储桶 $ aws s3 cp my-file s3://my-bucket/my-folder 与DynamoDB 结合使用 官方文档https://docs.aws.amazon.com/zh_cn/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/Tools.CLI.html ...
$ aws s3 cp myfolder s3://mybucket/myfolder --recursive upload: myfolder/file1.txt to s3://mybucket/myfolder/file1.txt upload: myfolder/subfolder/file1.txt to s3://mybucket/myfolder/subfolder/file1.txt Команда sync упрощаетсинхронизациюсоде...
I just tested this on OSX with Cyberduck and it does not create the problematic file. I guess its the software I'm using on Windows. Creating the folder and file through the CLI and uploading it through the CLI does not create the problematic file....
In "Name", Define a folder (e.g. output) 5. Test the build with SHIFTLEFT Start the build process Now your Codebuild project has been created. You can go to your CodeBuild Project, click on "Start Build" and observe the CodeBuild log and output. CodeBuild Output Below is an excerpt...
aws s3 cp ${1} ${s3bucket}/${s3folder} } # Validate all required arguments are present. if [ "${dir}" ] && [ "${encryptionContext}" ] && [ "${s3bucket}" ] && [ "${s3folder}" ] && [ "${masterKey}" ]; then # Is $dir a valid directory? test -d "${dir}" if [...
aws s3 cp s3://tstest-us-east-1/a/a.txt s3://tstest-ap-southeast-1/a.txt 上面测试是复制单独的文件,对于下面的文件夹“s3folder”,我们可以用--recursive 来复制 运行以下命令复制本地文件夹到 S3 aws s3 cp s3folder s3://tstest-us-east-1/s3folder --recursive ...
aws s3 sync s3://your-bucket-name folder-path 使用 Amazon S3 上传和下载多个文件 32 AWS CloudShell 如果同步成功,命令行将显示在目标目录中更新或添加的每个文件的下载消息. 用户指南 Note 对于此选项,您需要在本地计算机上安装 AWS CLI 工具,并配置用于调用 AWS 服务的凭 证.有关更多信息,请参阅 AWS ...